Vilnius II district court judgment on August 1, 2007

On August 1, 2007 Vilnius II district court passed the judgment:

To satisfy respondent UAB RESPUBLIKOS SPAUSTUVE complaint and to repeal Vilnius
II district court judgment on July 23, 2007 for temporal protective measures. 
To prohibit complainants Takhir Shabaev, Larisa Afanaseva and respondent UAB
RESPUBLIKOS SPAUSTUVE to use the voting rights of complainants owned AB
GUBERNIJA(id.c.144715765, address: Dvaro St.179, Šiauliai) shares and the right
to get information under the law determined order. 

This judgment for temporal protective measures could be appealed in 7 days to
Vilnius district court after receiving a copy of this judgment. 

The judgment should be applied promptly.

On behalf of AB Gubernija,

Romas Bubnelis
General Manager
+370 687 48 040