Thrane & Thrane, capital increase with effect from 10 August 2007

|                                      |             Copenhagen, 7 August 2007 |
Thrane & Thrane A/S - issue as a consequence of utilization of warrants         

With effect from 10 August, 46,486 new shares of a nominal DKK 20 will be       
admitted to listing in the ISIN code below.                                     

| ISIN                      | Name in Official List                            |
| DK0010279215              | Thrane & Thrane                                  |

The increase has been registered with the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency. 

We refer to announcement of 6 August 2007 from Thrane & Thrane.                 

For further information, please contact: Simon Søberg Jørgensen, Surveillance,  
tel. +45 33 93 33 66                                                            
ISIN: DK0010279215 (VP: 1027921)                                                

| Name in Official List:                | Thrane & Thrane                      |
| Volume before change:                 | 5,506,526 shares (DKK 110,130,520)   |
| Change:                               | 46,486 shares (DKK 929,720)          |
| Volume after change:                  | 5,553,012 shares (DKK 111,060,240)   |
| Denomination:                         | DKK 20                               |
| Exercise price:                       | 3,750 shares at DKK 132.00           |
|                                       | 1,000 shares at DKK 219.50           |
|                                       | 41,736 shares at DKK 179.38          |
| Short name:                           | THRAN                                |
| Share type:                           | AKTIE                                |

GENERAL INFORMATION                                                             

| Name/bearer:                          | Bearer                               |
| Voting rights on listed shares:       | Full                                 |
| Financial year:                       | 1 May - 30 April                     |
| Unlisted capital:                     | DKK 0                                |
| Capital increase registered:          | Yes                                  |
| Issuing bank:                         | Danske Bank A/S                      |
| Trading lot:                          | 25                                   |
| CBR no.:                              | 65 72 46 18                          |
| GICS:                                 | 45 20 10 20                          |
| Type:                                 | 15                                   |


thrane  thrane - udnyttelse af warrants - uk.pdf