The economic results of the Group of Harju Elekter in the first half-year were
as expected. While 2006 was marked by exceptional large projects in Lithuania,
this year Estonian subsidiary AS Harju Elekter Elektrotehnika has won several
large orders-contracts. With the support of good economic condition, a solid
growth is continuing in Finland also in this year. To sum up, we have managed
to provide sufficient resources in order to ensure a normal growth pace and a
sustainable orders portfolio for the second half-year of 2007.
                                     million EEK              million EUR
Key figures                      1-6/2007   1-6/2006      1-6/2007  1-6/2006
Turnover                           329,9      294,9         21,1      18,8
Operating profit                    21,9       19,8          1,4       1,3
Net profit for the current period   61,3       32,9          3,9       2,1
incl equity holders of the Parent   60,4       31,2          3,9       2,0

At the end of the period
Total current assets               234,3      183,1         15,0      11,7
Total non-current assets           510,1      597,5         32,6      38,2
Total assets                       744,4      780,6         47,6      49,9
Total liabilities                  172,2      153,9         11,0       9,8
Total equity                       572,2      626,7         36,6      40,1
incl equity holders of the Parent  554,4      609,5         35,4      39,0

Performance indicators
Growth of net sales                 11,9%     28,6%
Operating profit growth             10,6%     24,7%
Net profit growth                   93,8%     80,6%
Return of sales                      6,6%      6,7%
Net profit margin                   18,3%     10,6%
Equity ratio                        74,5%     78,1%

Average number of employees          425       430
EPS                               3,60 EEK   1,86 EEK    0,23 EUR   0,12 EUR

In the H1 2007 the sales revenue of the Group increased to 329.9 million
kroons (21.1 million euros). In the second quarter the turnover was 178.3
million kroons or 11.4 million euros (Q2 2006: 171.0 million kroons or 10.9
million euros).

The fastest rates of growth in the Q2 occurred in the Estonian segment. 
Compared to the Q2 2006, the sale of Estonian companies increased by 28.5% to 
100.3 million kroons (6.4 million euros). Of the growth in the Q2
turnover of the Estonian segment in the amount of 22.3 million kroons (1.4
million euros), 14.5 million kroons (0.9 million euros) was achieved on
foreign markets. Several large orders were executed, incl. initial supplies
within the framework of Greek METKA project. Sales to the domestic market
also increased by 7.8 million kroons (0.5 million euros). The sales volumes of
the Finnish segment also increased, reaching 61.0 million kroons (3.9 million
euros), which is 4.9 million kroons (0.3 million euros) more than in the
reference period, and within the first six months products were sold in the
total amount of 117.7 million kroons (7.5 million euros), which is 20.1
million kroons (1.3 million euros) more than in the previous year. The growth
in the volume of sales was supported by the favorable conditions of Finnish
economy, the growth of the corresponding economic sector and the increase of
orders from exporters.

Traditionally the largest part, over 80%, of the sales revenue was received
from production. A significant part, nearly 10%, of the Group's sales revenue
was received from the trade group that again demonstrated the fastest growth
rate, based on the support from the continuing construction boom. In the Q2 
the trade group sold electrical goods by 17.5% and in the first half-year by 
25.8% more than in the respective reference periods of the previous year.

In the Q2 2007, the average number of the Group's employees was 433 (Q2 2006:
439), salary expenses increased 33.9% to 29.5 million kroons (1.9 million
euros), and in the first half-year 30.6% to 55.2 million kroons (3.5 million
euros). The growth in labour expenses may be explained, on the one hand,
by the growth in salaries and on the other hand, by changes in the Group's
structure in 2006. The number of employees increased in Finland and Estonia,
and decreased in Lithuania, since Birzu Montuotojas, a subsidiary of Rifas
UAB, was sold.

The Group's operating profit within first six months increased 10.6% to 21.9
million kroons (1.4 million euros) compared to the same period of the previous
year and the operating profitability was 6.6%, being at the level of the
previous year. The operating profit for the Q2 increased 8.2% to 12.9 million
kroons (0.8 million euros) and operating profitability was 7.2% (6.9%).
The Group's pre-tax profit for the reporting quarter was 60.0 million kroons
(3.9 million euros), which is by 34.9 million kroons (2.3 million euros)
larger than in the reference period. For investing to the core business, the
Group sold in the Q2 the shares in PKC Group Oyj. The realised profit from the
sale of shares was 32.6 million kroons (2.1 million euros), but no shares were
sold in the reference period. The dividend income in the Q2 was 12.7 million
kroons (0.81 million euros), remaining at the level of the previous year.
Profit consolidated from related companies in the Q2 was by 1.3 million kroons
(84 thousand euros) larger than a year ago, totalling 2.3 million kroons (148
thousand euros). The Group's total pre-tax profit for the first six months was
69.2 million kroons (4.4 million euros), being 39.3 million kroons (2.5
million euros) in the reference period.

To sum up, the consolidated after-tax profit for the Q2 was 52.5 million
kroons or 3.3 million euros (Q2 2006: 19.0 million kroons or 1.2 million
euros), of which the proportion of the owners of the parent company accounted
for 52.2 million kroons or 3.3 million euros (Q2 2006: 17.4 million kroons or
1.2 million euros). The net profit per share in the second quarter was 3.11
kroons or 0.20 euros (Q2 2006: 1.03 kroons or 0.07 euros). The net profit for
the first half-year was 61.3 million kroons or 3.9 million euros (H1 2006:
32.9 million kroons or 2.1 million euros), of which the proportion of the
owners of the parent company accounted for 60.4 million kroons or 3.9 million
euros (H1 2006: 31.2 million kroons or 2.0 million euros) and the net profit
per share was 3.60 kroons or 0.23 euros (H1 2006: 1.86 kroons or 0.12 euros).

During reporting period the Group invested into tangible assets totally MEEK
12.3 or 784 thousand euros (H1 2006: MEEK 13.0 or 833 thousand euros).

Long-term loans were repaid within six months in the amount of 5.0 million
kroons (321 thousand euros) and in the reference period in the amount of 4.4
million kroons (280 thousand euros) and leasing payments were paid in the
amount of 543 thousand kroons (34 thousand euros) and in the reference period
in the amount of 722 thousand kroons (46 thousand euros).

Within the first half-year, the Group paid dividends in the total amount of
31.7 million kroons (2.0 million euros), in the reference period 27.4 million
kroons (1.8 million euros), of the prevailing part in the amount of 31.5
million kroons (2.0 million euros) was paid in the second quarter.

Andres Allikmäe
Chairman of the Board
+372 674 7400

For more information: Internal report 1-6/2007 of Harju Elekter and Mrs Karin
Padjus, Member of the Board (phone +372 674 7403).

BALANCE SHEET, 30.06.2007
Consolidated, unaudited
in thousands                                  EEK             EUR
ASSETS                                 30.06.0731.12.0630.06.07 31.12.06
Cash and cash equivalents               27 645   6 712    1 767      429
Trade receivables and other receivable  98 606  82 765    6 302    5 290
Prepayments                                861     845       55       54
   Inclusive income tax                      2       2        0        0
Inventories                            107 140  79 030    6 847    5 050
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                   234 252 169 352   14 971   10 823
Investments in associates               28 001  25 187    1 790    1 610
Other long-term financial investments  260 476 344 884   16 647   22 042
Investment property                    122 684 127 268    7 841    8 134
Property, plant and equipment           95 446  87 446    6 101    5 589
Intangible assets                        3 538   3 595      226      230
Total non-current assets               510 145 588 380   32 605   37 605
TOTAL ASSETS                           744 397 757 732   47 576   48 428
Interest-bearing loans and borrowings   14 159  20 772      905    1 328
Trade payables and other payables      116 138  73 496    7 423    4 697
Tax liabilities                         14 214  12 268      908      784
   Inclusive income tax                  3 125   2 401      200      154
Short-term provision                       294     100       19        6
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES              144 805 106 636    9 255    6 815
NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                 26 891  26 568    1 719    1 698
Other non-current liabilities              469     469       30       30
Total non-current liabilities           27 360  27 037    1 749    1 728
TOTAL LIABILITIES                      172 165 133 673   11 004    8 543
Share capital                          168 000 168 000   10 737   10 737
Paid-in capital over/under par           6 000   6 000      384      384
Restricted reserves                    252 500 331 552   16 137   21 190
Retained earnings                      127 864 100 078    8 172    6 396
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY                   554 364 605 630   35 430   38 707
Minority interests                      17 868  18 429    1 142    1 178
TOTAL EQUITY                           572 232 624 059   36 572   39 885
TOT.LIABILIT.AND OWNERS' EQUITY        744 397 757 732   47 576   48 428

GROUP                                  Q2 2007 Q2 2006 1-6/2007 1-6/2006
NET SALES                              178 287 170 959  329 898  294 854
Cost of goods sold                    -144 931-142 208 -270 840 -243 482
Gross profit                            33 356  28 751   59 058   51 372
Marketing expenses                      -8 263  -6 728  -14 930  -12 347
Administrative expenses                -12 039 -10 621  -21 858  -19 557
Other revenue                              250     551      345      588
Other expenses                            -402     -97     -684     -231
Operating profit                        12 902  11 856   21 931   19 825
Net financial incomes/expenses          44 760  12 257   44 447   17 168
Income from subsidiaries                 2 327   1 004    2 814    2 260
Profit from normal operations           59 989  25 117   69 192   39 253
Corporate Income tax                    -7 497  -6 153   -7 861   -6 384
Profit after taxes, incl                52 492  18 964   61 331   32 869
Minority interest                       52 204  17 363   60 426   31 186
Net profit for the period                  288   1 601      905    1 683
Basic and diluted
earnings per share                        3,11    1,03      3,6     1,86

GROUP                                  Q2 2007 Q2 2006 1-6/2007 1-6/2006
NET SALES                               11 395  10 926   21 084   18 845
Cost of goods sold                      -9 263  -9 088  -17 309  -15 561
Gross profit                             2 132   1 838    3 775    3 284
Marketing expenses                        -528    -430     -954     -789
Administrative expenses                   -769    -679   -1 397   -1 250
Other revenue                               16      35       22       38
Other expenses                             -26      -6      -44      -16
Operating profit                           825     758    1 402    1 267
Net financial incomes/expenses           2 861     783    2 841    1 097
Income from subsidiaries                   148      64      179      145
Profit from normal operations            3 834   1 605    4 422    2 509
Corporate Income tax                      -479    -393     -502     -408
Profit after taxes, incl                 3 355   1 212    3 920    2 101
Minority interest                        3 336  1 110    3 862     1 993
Net profit for the period                   19     102       58      108
Basic and diluted
earnings per share                        0,20    0,07     0,23     0,12

Karin Padjus
Financial manager
 +372 6 747 403

