Second quarter results 2007

PRESS RELEASE                                                                   
August 9, 2007                                 

First half-year 2007:                                                           
CONTINUED STRONG DEMAND FOR EXPORT LOANS                                        

The Eksportfinans group experienced a record strong demand for new export loans 
during the first half-year of 2007. Total lending from the group was NOK 112.7  
billion at June 30, 2007, compared to NOK 85.0 billion at the same time in 2006.
New lending from the group was NOK 19.7 billion, compared to NOK 14.9 billion in
the equivalent period in 2006.                                                  

Supported by a strong demand for products offered by the Norwegian maritime     
industry, Eksportfinans experienced continued growth in both volumes and results
in the first half-year 2007. New export related lending reached NOK 10.2        
billion. The growth in total export related loans in the first six months of    
2007 was NOK 6.3 billion (15 percent increase).                                 

An environment of higher interest rate levels made the officially supported     
fixed rate financing scheme1 The CIRR rate regulated by the OECD favorable      
compared to financing on market terms. The volume of the overall order book was 
approximately NOK 36 billion at June 30, 2007, compared to NOK 18 billion at the
same time in 2006.                                                              

Local government lending                                                        
Total outstanding loans from Eksportfinans' wholly owned subsidiary             
Kommunekreditt Norge AS at June 30, 2007 amounted to NOK 64.1 billion, compared 
to NOK 52.0 billion at June 30, 2006 and NOK 57.1 billion at year-end 2006.     
Kommunekreditt disbursed NOK 9.5 billion in new loans in the first half-year of 
2007, with a corresponding amount in the same period in 2006 of NOK 3.8 billion.

In the first six months of 2007, Eksportfinans borrowed a total of NOK 38.5     
billion through 375 individual funding transactions, compared with NOK 30.5     
billion and 341 trades in the same period in 2006.                              

One year after its launch, Eksportfinans' proprietary web-based platform for    
pricing, execution and documentation of structured Medium Term Notes has been   
adopted by 23 arranging banks. The platform, eFunding, has since its launch     
generated 12,500 individual price quotes, and the percentage of all activities  
under Eksportfinans' Euro Medium Term Note Program conducted online via eFunding
is now approximately 40.                                                        

The net interest income for the Eksportfinans group was NOK 259 million in the  
first half-year of 2007. This represents an increase of NOK 45 million compared 
to the corresponding period in 2006, and the increase is mainly due to higher   
volumes of lending and liquidity placements.                                    

Group base profit in the first half-year of 2007 was NOK 127 million, an        
increase of NOK 16 million compared to the same period 2006. The base profit    
reflects the profit excluding net unrealized gains or losses on certain         
financial instruments at fair value, net of tax effect. These unrealized gains  
or losses on other financial instruments derive as a consequence of the         
implementations of IFRS2 In accordance with IFRS, Eksportfinans measures a large
volume of financial instruments at fair value.   The fair value may vary from   
one reporting period to another. . Profit for the first half-year 2007 was NOK  
97 million, compared to NOK 70 million in the same period last year.            

The complete half-year report is published on             

Key Figures                                                                     

|                               |  First half-year  |   First half-year 2006   |
|                               |       2007        |                          |
| New export lending            | NOK 10.2 billion  |     NOK 11.1 billion     |
| New loans to Norwegian public |  NOK 9.5 billion  |     NOK 3.8 billion      |
| sector                        |                   |                          |
| New funding                   | NOK 38.5 billion  |     NOK 30.8 billion     |
| Total assets                  | NOK 186.9 billion |    NOK 150.3 billion     |
| Capital adequacy              |      12.1 %       |          14.0%           |
| Base profit for the period    |  NOK 127 million  |     NOK 111 million      |
| Profit for the period         |  NOK 97 million   |      NOK 70 million      |
| Loan losses                   |         0         |            0             |
| Eksportfinans ASA has the international credit ratings AAA from Moody's,     |
| AA+ from Standard & Poor's and AAA from Fitch Ratings                        |

For more information, please contact:                                           
Elise Lindbæk                                                                   
Head of Communication                                                           
Telephone +47 22 01 22 64                                                       
Mobile phone +47 90 51 82 50                                                    
Eksportfinans is the Norwegian institute for the financing of exports - the     
banks' and the Norwegian state's joint institution for developing and offering  
competitive, long-term financing services to the export and municipal sectors.  
For more information about Eksportfinans,