Beltton-Group's net sales and operating profit saw clear year-over-year growth. 
The Group's net sales in January-June totalled EUR 35.5 million (EUR 29.9       
million). Operating profit amounted to EUR 1.10 million (EUR 0.72 million). Net 
profit rose to EUR 0.42 million (EUR 0.32 million), and earnings per share (EPS)
to EUR 0.06 (EUR 0.05).                                                         

Beltton-Group's second-quarter net sales were up 23.9% on the comparison period,
totalling EUR 18.6 million (EUR 15.0 million). Operating profit increased to EUR
0.93 million (EUR 0.48 million), which represents 5.0% of net sales (3.2%).     
Earnings per share were EUR 0.07 (EUR 0.04).                                    

NET SALES AND PROFIT DEVELOPMENT                                                

Beltton-Group Plc's net sales saw clear year-over-year growth, amounting to EUR 
35.5 million (EUR 29.9 million). This development was fuelled by organic        
business growth. Net sales also benefited from the acquisition of Entre         
Marketing Oy, which accounted for EUR 1.4 million of net sales growth.          

The Group's operating profit was EUR 1.10 million (EUR 0.72 million),           
representing 3.1% (2.4%) of net sales. Profit before extraordinary items        
amounted to EUR 0.84 million (EUR 0.57 million), while net profit for the period
rose to EUR 0.42 million (EUR 0.32 million). Earnings per share (EPS) rose to   
EUR 0.06 from EUR 0.05 the year before.                                         

CEO Heikki Vienola: “Our net sales and profit have developed positively         
especially due to growth in sales. I am particularly pleased with the results we
have achieved in Sweden and Norway. Successful recruitment and the acquisition  
of new customers in direct sales, as well as new contract customers in Finland, 
have boosted sales in all of our business areas. The transfer of Wulff's        
logistics and the relocation of our Finnish direct sales companies have gone    
well. Brisk sales combined with profitability enhancement measures enable us to 
outperform last year's results.”                                                

Positive business development was seen at Wulff Oy Ab, which accounts for some  
45 per cent of Beltton-Group's net sales. The company acquired several new      
contract customers in the review period and increased its market share.         
Logistics, an important function to Wulff, has worked smoothly during the       
warehouse transfer, and the service level has remained high. In the second      
quarter Wulff also emphasised the development of customer relationships and     
profitability. The company sells office products and computer accessories to    
large and medium-sized companies, municipalities, cities and the Finnish        
Government through its contract customer concept and has supplied over 1,000    
MiniBar shelving systems to Finnish companies.                                  

KB-tuote Oy, which sells and markets business and advertising gifts, developed  
positively. The number of contract customers increased as well. The company     
signed important deals in the second quarter related to, among other things, the
Eurovision song contest. In addition to increasing sales, KB's goal in the      
latter part of the year is to improve profitability by enhancing operations.    
KB-Tuote Oy provides major corporations with an outsourced business gift service
whereby the customer can order products designed in line with the company brand 
through an electronic order system.                                             

Successful recruitments for direct sales and the acquisition of new customers   
had a positive impact on business development. Sales personnel training will get
more and more emphasis in the future. Training has been centralised and enhanced
after five of the Group's direct sales companies moved to the Beltton house in  
Vantaa in May and June. The move of Wulff's logistics operations left free space
in the Vantaa facilities, where new office spaces were set up for direct sales  
companies. The move generated expenses, but will bring synergies and            
cost-effectiveness to the companies' operations. Beltton's direct sales business
consists of ten direct sales companies in Finland, all of which sell computer   
accessories, office supplies, corporate promotional products and ergonomic      

The sales and profitability of Beltton's Scandinavian subsidiaries continued to 
develop very well. Successful recruitments and cost-savings measures, as well as
the enhancement and reorganisation of activities brought expected results. Field
sales in Sweden and telemarketing in Norway performed well in the review period.

Beltton latest acquisition, Entre Marketing Oy, which was consolidated in the   
financial statements on 9 May 2007, acquired over ten new customers in the      
period. Owing to the cyclical nature of operations, the sales and net sales of  
Entre Marketing are mainly generated in the latter part of the year.            

ACQUISITION OF ENTRE MARKETING                                                  

On 9 May 2007, Beltton-Group Plc acquired a majority shareholding in the Entre  
Marketing group. Previously owned by Finpro ry and key personnel of the Entre   
group, Entre Marketing posted net sales of EUR 13.3 million (pro forma) in 2006 
and an operating profit EUR 0.35 million (pro forma). The group's balance sheet 
total on 31 December was EUR 5.6 million, of which equity stood at EUR 0.9      
million. As part of the deal, 47 employees transferred to Beltton, 21 of whom   
are sales representatives.                                                      

The sale price of the acquired majority holding, EUR 2.7 million, was paid      
entirely in cash. The share transaction generated Beltton-Group a goodwill of   
EUR 2.8 million. EUR 0.7 million of the goodwill consists of unrecorded book    
value previously assigned to the Entre Group. After the acquisition, Beltton    
holds 80% of Entre Marketing's shares and votes, and five key personnel hold    
20%. Beltton holds the right to acquire all Entre Marketing's shares in the year
2011 at the latest. Entre Marketing continues its operations as an independent  
unit in its own business premises. Pekka Leppälä, the company's CEO, is a member
of Beltton's Group Management.                                                  

The Entre Marketing group consists of Entre Marketing Ltd and its Helsinki-based
100 %-owned subsidiary Atmos Tuotanto Ltd. Entre Marketing's operations focus on
the design and implementation of international trade fairs, exhibitions and     
event marketing. Services are available to both individual companies and        
business clusters around the world. The company is Finland's market leader in   
its sector, offering services to more than 1,100 customers last year. During the
year, Entre was involved in some 300 events in 25 countries. Exhibition services
and event marketing specialised by Entre Marketing support Beltton's Sales      
Promotion business.                                                             

FINANCING AND INVESTMENTS                                                       

Cash flow from business operations amounted to EUR 1.01 million (EUR 1.37       

The consolidated balance sheet total at the end of the period amounted to EUR   
48.3 million (EUR 37.8 million) and the equity ratio was 37.4 % (45,3 %).       
Changes to the equity ratio were caused by the acquisition of Entre Marketing   
and strong sales growth of the Beltton-Group. The Group's liquid assets at the  
end of the review period amounted to EUR 8.43 million (EUR 4.64 million). The   
investments in fixed assets entered in the balance sheet amounted to EUR 0.81   
million (EUR 0.43 million), or 2.3 % (1.4 %) of net sales. Investments focused  
mainly on the facilities in Vantaa, as well as on machinery and equipment.      


Beltton-Group Plc had 475 (429) employees at the end of the review period and an
average of 444 (432) employees over the period. A total of 95 (86) employees    
worked in Sweden, Norway and Estonia. The Group's headcount changed after the   
acquisition of Entre Marketing.                                                 

SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                             

Companies in the Beltton-Group Plc are sales and marketing companies of office  
supplies. The Group's organisation structure is divided into four areas         
depending on their operating concept and field. All the areas are presented as a
single reportable business segment. In other words, the Group's reportable      
information, in its entirety, forms this business segment's information.        

Beltton's secondary segment reporting is based on geographical segments. A      
market area forms a segment if its net sales account for more than 10 % of the  
Group's net sales. The net sales of segments are presented according to customer
locations, while assets and investments are presented by their location and     

RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES IN THE NEAR FUTURE                                      

The incorporation of Entre Marketing and business development involve some      
uncertainties. The company's business is highly cyclic in nature, and much of   
the net sales and operating profit is generated in the last quarter. It is      
likely, therefore, that the quarterly cyclicality, which levelled off at Group  
level last year, will grow stronger.                                            

OUTLOOK FOR THE REST OF 2007                                                    

Beltton expects the office product markets to grow moderately in 2007. The      
successfully implemented contract customer model is expected to provide a good  
foundation for growth that clearly outperforms the market. Beltton's outlook for
2007 is favourable. The successful completion of the Entre Marketing Ltd        
acquisition and good organic growth give the company management reason to       
believe that net sales will increase from EUR 62 million last year to about EUR 
80 million, and that the company's financial result will improve from the       
previous year.                                                                  


This interim report was prepared in compliance with the IFRS accounting and     
valuation principles and the principles of IAS 34. The accounting principles are
the same as those used in the financial statements for 2006. This interim report
has not been audited.                                                           

The interim report for 1 January - 30 September 2007 will be released on 7      
November 2007, at 9:00 a.m.                                                     

| Beltton-Group PLC          |         |         |         |       (1000 euro) |
| CONSOLIDATED INCOME        |  4-6/07 |  4-6/06 |  1-6/07 |  1-6/06 | 1-12/06 |
| STATEMENT                  |         |         |         |         |         |
| TURNOVER                   |  18 604 |  15 020 |  35 529 |  29 852 |  62 045 |
|                            |         |         |         |         |         |
| Other operating income     |      50 |      98 |     130 |     158 |     329 |
| Materials and services     |   9 702 |   7 787 |  18 647 |  15 749 |  32 874 |
| Employee benefits expenses |   4 288 |   3 989 |   8 463 |   7 725 |  15 347 |
| Depreciation and           |     325 |     306 |     624 |     589 |   1 214 |
| amortization               |         |         |         |         |         |
| Other operating expenses   |   3 411 |   2 558 |   6 824 |   5 228 |  10 519 |
| OPERATING PROFIT           |     928 |     478 |   1 101 |     719 |   2 420 |
| Financial income and       |    -206 |     -58 |    -257 |    -145 |    -203 |
| expenses                   |         |         |         |         |         |
| PROFIT BEFORE              |         |         |         |         |         |
| EXTRAORDINARY              |         |         |         |         |         |
| ITEMS AND TAXES            |     722 |     420 |     844 |     574 |   2 216 |
|                            |         |         |         |         |         |
| Extraordinary items        |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |
|                            |         |         |         |         |         |
| PROFIT BEFORE TAXES        |     722 |     420 |     844 |     574 |   2 216 |
|                            |         |         |         |         |         |
| Income taxes               |     188 |     135 |     368 |     261 |     807 |
| Minority interest          |      47 |      42 |      58 |     -12 |     113 |
|                            |         |         |         |         |         |
| NET PROFIT                 |     487 |     243 |     417 |     324 |   1 296 |

| CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET |         |         |         |       (1000 euro) |
| Assets                     |         |         |  6/2007 |  6/2006 | 12/2006 |
|                            |         |         |         |         |         |
| FIXED ASSETS               |         |         |         |         |         |
| Intangible assets          |         |         |     552 |     413 |     454 |
| Goodwill                   |         |         |   7 737 |   4 697 |   4 903 |
| Tangible assets                      |         |   5 587 |   5 046 |   4 913 |
| Investments held for sale  |         |         |     339 |     251 |     235 |
| Investments                |         |         |     144 |     144 |     149 |
| Deferred tax assets        |         |         |     978 |   1 102 |     972 |
| TOTAL FIXED ASSETS         |         |         |  15 337 |  11 653 |  11 626 |
| CURRENT ASSETS             |         |         |         |         |         |
| Inventories                |         |         |  10 887 |  10 001 |  10 590 |
| Trade and other            |         |         |  13 674 |  11 492 |  12 587 |
| receivables                |         |         |         |         |         |
| Cash and cash equivalents and        |         |         |         |         |
| financial                            |         |         |         |         |
| assets recognised at fair value      |         |   8 430 |   4 639 |   5 876 |
| TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS       |         |         |  32 990 |  26 132 |  29 053 |
| TOTAL ASSETS               |         |         |  48 327 |  37 785 |  40 679 |
| Equity and liabilities     |         |         |  6/2007 |  6/2006 | 12/2006 |
| EQUITY                     |         |         |         |         |         |
| Share capital              |         |         |   2 603 |   2 603 |   2 603 |
| Share issue                |         |         |       0 |       0 |       0 |
| Share premium fund         |         |         |   7 662 |   7 662 |   7 662 |
| Retained earnings          |         |         |   6 388 |   5 722 |   5 740 |
| Net profit                 |         |         |     417 |     324 |   1 296 |
| Minority interest          |         |         |     997 |     814 |     889 |
| TOTAL EQUITY               |         |         |  18 067 |  17 125 |  18 190 |
| LIABILITIES                |         |         |         |         |         |
| Long-term interest-bearing           |         |  10 842 |   7 149 |   8 281 |
| liabilities                          |         |         |         |         |
| Short-term liabilities     |         |         |  19 418 |  13 511 |  14 207 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES          |         |         |  30 260 |  20 660 |  22 488 |
| TOTAL EQUITY AND           |         |         |  48 327 |  37 785 |  40 679 |
| LIABILITIES                |         |         |         |         |         |

| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY Jan 1st - Jun 30th     |         |
| 2007                                                               |         |
|                      |        |        |        |        |       (1000 euro) |
|                      |        |        | Retain |        | Minor-  |         |
|                      |        |        | -      |        |         |         |
|                      |        | Share  | ed     |        | ity     |         |
|                      | Share  | premiu | earn-  |        | inte-   |         |
|                      |        | m      |        |        |         |         |
|                      | capita | fund   | ings   | Total  | rest    | Total   |
|                      | l      |        |        |        |         |         |
|                      |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Equity Jan 1st 2007  |  2 603 |  7 662 |  7 036 | 17 301 |     889 |  18 190 |
| Net profit           |        |        |    417 |        |      58 |     475 |
| Dividends paid       |        |        |   -781 |        |     -66 |    -847 |
| Investments          |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| available for        |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| sale: Valuation      |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| gains or             |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| losses recognised    |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| under                |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| shareholders' equity |        |        |     77 |        |         |      77 |
| Financial            |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| instruments          |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| recognised under     |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| shareholders' equity |        |        |     34 |        |         |      34 |
| Translation          |        |        |     22 |        |         |      22 |
| differences          |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Changes in           |        |        |      0 |        |     115 |     115 |
| shareholdings        |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Equity on Jun 30th   |  2 603 |  7 662 |  6 805 | 17 070 |     997 |  18 067 |
| 2007                 |        |        |        |        |         |         |

| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY Jan 1st - Jun 30th     |         |
| 2006                                                               |         |
|                      |        |        |        |        |       (1000 euro) |
|                      |        |        | Retain |        | Minor-  |         |
|                      |        |        | -      |        |         |         |
|                      |        | Share  | ed     |        | ity     |         |
|                      | Share  | premiu | earni- |        | inte-   |         |
|                      |        | m      |        |        |         |         |
|                      | capita | fund   | ings   | Total  | rest    | Total   |
|                      | l      |        |        |        |         |         |
|                      |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Equity Jan 1st 2006  |  2 603 |  7 662 |  6 512 | 16 777 |   1 021 |  17 798 |
| Net profit           |        |        |    324 |        |     -11 |     313 |
| Dividends paid       |        |        |   -651 |        |    -132 |    -783 |
| Investments          |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| available for        |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| sale: Valuation      |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| gains or             |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| losses recognised    |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| under                |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| shareholders' equity |        |        |    -33 |        |         |     -33 |
| Financial            |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| instruments          |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| recognised under     |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| shareholders' equity |        |        |   -112 |        |         |    -112 |
| Translation          |        |        |      6 |        |         |       6 |
| differences          |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Changes in           |        |        |        |        |     -63 |     -63 |
| shareholdings        |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Equity Jun 30th 2006 |  2 603 |  7 662 |  6 046 | 16 311 |     816 |  17 127 |

| KEY RATIOS                 |         |         |         |       (1000 euro) |
|                            |  4-6/07 |  4-6/06 |  1-6/07 |  1-6/06 | 1-12/06 |
| Turnover                   |  18 604 |  15 020 |  35 529 |  29 852 |  62 045 |
| Increase in turnover %     |  23.9 % |  -2.5 % |  19.0 % |  -1.3 % |   3.2 % |
| Operating profit           |     928 |     478 |   1 101 |     719 |   2 420 |
| % of turnover              |   5.0 % |   3.2 % |   3.1 % |   2.4 % |   3.9 % |
| Profit before tax          |     722 |     420 |     844 |     574 |   2 216 |
| % of turnover              |   3.9 % |   2.8 % |   2.4 % |   1.9 % |   3.6 % |
| Net profit                 |     487 |     243 |     417 |     324 |   1 296 |
| % of turnover              |   2.6 % |   1.6 % |   1.2 % |   1.1 % |   2.1 % |
| Equity ratio %             |         |         |  37.4 % |  45.3 % |  45.0 % |
| Investments in fixed       |     512 |     269 |     813 |     425 |   1 122 |
| assets                     |         |         |         |         |         |
| % of turnover              |   2.8 % |   1.8 % |   2.3 % |   1.4 % |   1.8 % |
| Average number of          |         |         |     444 |     432 |     423 |
| personnel                  |         |         |         |         |         |
| Number of personnel at end of period |         |     475 |     429 |     412 |
| Earnings per share, euro   |    0.07 |    0.04 |    0.06 |    0.05 |    0.20 |
| Equity per share, euro     |         |         |    2.62 |    2.51 |    2.66 |
| CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW     |         |         |         |       (1000 euro) |
|                            |         |         |  1-6/07 |  1-6/06 | 1-12/06 |
| Cash flow from operations: |         |         |         |         |         |
| Payments received from     |         |         |  34 606 |  29 807 |  60 367 |
| sales                      |         |         |         |         |         |
| Payments received from other operating income  |     115 |     125 |     305 |
| Amounts paid for operating expenses  |         | -33 391 | -28 353 | -58 186 |
| Cash flow from business operations             |         |         |         |
| before financial items and |         |         |   1 330 |   1 579 |   2 487 |
| taxes                      |         |         |         |         |         |
| Financial costs paid       |         |         |    -340 |    -220 |    -410 |
| Interests received from operations   |         |      58 |      28 |     114 |
| Direct taxes paid          |         |         |     -35 |     -17 |     -98 |
| Cash flow from operations  |         |         |   1 013 |   1 370 |   2 093 |
| Cash flow from investment            |         |         |         |         |
| activities:                          |         |         |         |         |
| Investments in tangible and intangible assets  |    -625 |    -425 |  -1 096 |
| Sale of tangible and intangible      |         |     457 |       0 |     274 |
| assets                               |         |         |         |         |
| Acquisition of shares in             |         |  -1 326 |      -5 |    -302 |
| subsidiaries                         |         |         |         |         |
| Sale of shares in subsidiaries       |         |       0 |       0 |      75 |
| Sale of other investments            |         |       0 |       0 |    -107 |
| Cash flow from investment activities |         |  -1 494 |    -430 |  -1 156 |
|                            |         |         |         |         |         |
| Cash flow from financing activities: |         |         |         |         |
| Share issue                |         |         |       0 |       0 |       0 |
| Paid dividends             |         |         |    -847 |    -651 |    -745 |
| Received dividends         |         |         |     465 |     191 |     195 |
| Short-term investments     |         |         |     306 |    -171 |       0 |
| Loss from the sale of short-term investments   |    -604 |    -143 |       0 |
| Loan withdrawals           |         |         |   3 710 |       0 |   1 615 |
| Loan repayments            |         |         |    -300 |    -168 |    -704 |
| Cash flow from financing activities  |         |   2 730 |    -942 |     361 |
| Change in liquid assets    |         |         |   2 249 |      -2 |   1 298 |

| RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS                   |         |         (1000 euro) |
|                                              |  1-6/07 |   1-6/06 |  1-12/06 |
| Business with parties exercising             |         |          |          |
| considerable                                 |         |          |          |
| control:                                     |         |          |          |
| Purchases from related parties               |     100 |       35 |       35 |
| Loans to related parties                     |     127 |       27 |      150 |

| SEGMENT INFORMATION ON GEOGRAPHICAL SEGMENTS   |         |       (1000 euro) |
|                            |         |         |  1-6/07 |  1-6/06 | 1-12/06 |
| Turnover                   |         |         |         |         |         |
| Finland                    |         |         |  30 515 |  26 295 |  55 919 |
| Other Nordic countries and the Baltic          |   5 014 |   3 557 |   6 126 |
| countries                                      |         |         |         |
| Total                      |         |         |  35 529 |  29 852 |  62 045 |
| Assets                     |         |         |         |         |         |
| Finland                    |         |         |  43 835 |  33 548 |  36 011 |
| Other Nordic countries and the Baltic          |   4 492 |   4 237 |   4 668 |
| countries                                      |         |         |         |
| Total                      |         |         |  48 327 |  37 785 |  40 679 |
| Investments                |         |         |         |         |         |
| Finland                    |         |         |     805 |     422 |   1 256 |
| Other Nordic countries and the Baltic          |       8 |       3 |       8 |
| countries                                      |         |         |         |
| Total                      |         |         |     813 |     425 |   1 264 |

COMPANY SHARES                                                                  

The Beltton-Group Plc does not hold its own shares.                             

| KEY RATIOS PER QUARTER               |         |         |         |         |
|                  |  4-6/07 |  1-3/07 | 10-12/0 |  7-9/06 |  4-6/06 |  1-3/06 |
|                  |         |         |       6 |         |         |         |
| Turnover         |  18 604 |  16 925 |  18 864 |  13 329 |  15 020 |  14 832 |
| (1000 euro)      |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| Operating profit |     928 |     172 |   1 033 |     668 |     478 |     240 |
| (1000 euro)      |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| Net profit       |     487 |     -70 |     659 |     312 |     243 |      81 |
| (1000 euro)      |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| Earnings per     |    0.07 |   -0.01 |    0.10 |    0.05 |    0.04 |    0.01 |
| share, euro      |         |         |         |         |         |         |

BELTTON-GROUP PLC                                                               

Further information:                                                            

Heikki Vienola, CEO                                                             
Tel. +358 9 5259 0050 or +358 50 65 110                                         

Sirpa Väisänen, IR Officer                                                      
Tel. +358 9 5259 0050 or +358 400 943 243                                       

The Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                                                                             
Key media

