Annual general meeting at BoConcept Holding on 28 August 2007

BoConcept Holding A/S

Central Business Registration No. 34 01 84 13

Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of BoConcept Holding A/S 

be held on

Tuesday, 28 August 2007, at 4 p.m.

at the company's office at Mørupvej 16, DK-7400 Herning.


1. Election of chairman of the meeting

2. Management's review

3. Presentation of the annual report

4. Adoption of the annual  report, including grant of discharge  to the
   and supervisory boards and resolution regarding the appropriation of profit
   provision for losses pursuant to the approved annual report. 

5. Election of members of the supervisory board

6. Proposals by the supervisory board:

The supervisory board proposes:

a) Increase of the Class B share capital by a nominal amount of between

DKK 150,000 (15,000 shares) and DKK 400,000 (40,000 shares). The

existing shareholders' pre-emption rights are to be waived, since the

capital increase is part of an employee share scheme in pursuance of

section 7A(1)(i) of the Danish Tax Assessment Act.

The subscription period is from 1 October 2007 to 10 October 2007. The

subscription amount shall be paid to the company between 12 October

2007 and 24 October 2007. The subscription price is 200 for each share

of a nominal value of DKK 10. The Class B shares are negotiable

instruments registered through the Danish Securities Centre and are

bearer shares, but they may be registered in the name of the holder in

the company's register of shareholders. The costs of the capital increase

are estimated at DKK 30,000 excluding value added tax. The

negotiability of the shares is subject to no restrictions, and no

shareholder is obliged to have his or her shares redeemed, wholly or in


The proposal results in an amendment to article 2 of the company's

articles of association since the total share capital and the company's

Class B capital must be adjusted to the capital increase.

b) Adoption of general guidelines for incentive pay to the supervisory

board, the executive board and other selected executives is based on

the following framework:

- Incentive pay may be allotted to the supervisory board, the

executive board and other selected executives at present

approximately 25-30 people, and to additional future new


- A subscription right confers on the holder a right to subscribe for

one share of a nominal value of DKK 10.00.

- Subscription rights of up to a maximum of 25,000 for the

supervisory board and a maximum of 30,000 for the executive

board may be issued. Subscription rights may be allotted on

several occasions. Partly during the coming 12 months to the

present supervisory and executive boards and selected executives,

partly at later times before 30 April 2010 to persons who have

joined the company later.

- The subscription rights allotted can only be exercised by the

subscription for shares if the company's strategy plan for the years

2008/2009, 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 is realised in terms of pre-

tax profit. For each of the years 2008/2009 and 2009/2010

subscription rights can be allotted with one fourth and for

2010/2011 half of all subscription rights.

- If targets are not reached in full during the years in question the

right to exercise the subscription rights will be graduated.

- The participants in the pay by subscription rights system must be

employed with the company or with an affiliated company or be

members of the company's supervisory board at the time of


- The exercise price shall be fixed at the closing price on the date

when the company has committed itself in relation to the

participants by notifying them of participation in the issue of share


- The share options allotted can at the earliest be exercised by the

participants in connection with the publication of the 2010/2011

annual report and at the latest on 30 September 2011.

- Based on the closing price on 6 August 2007 the value of each

individual subscription right amounts to DKK 131.80 calculated on

the basis of the Black-Scholes model. If the value is measured for

all the proposed 240,000 subscription rights the value of these

amounts to a total of DKK 31.6 million.

The valuation according to the Black-Scholes model comprises the

following elements:

- A volatility of 30.6% on the basis of 12 months of historical


- Risk-free interest 4.3% corresponding to the interest on Danish

government bonds with the same term as the share options

- Anticipated dividend per share of 2.3% of the share price

The proposed resolution will have the effect that a provision on it will be

included in the articles of association.

c) The general meeting authorises the supervisory board to issue share

options which may confer on their holder the right to subscribe for Class

B shares of a nominal value not exceeding DKK 2.4 million (240,000

shares). The authority is valid till 30 April 2010. Only members of the

supervisory board, the executive board and other selected executives

are eligible for subscribing for the share options in accordance with the

guidelines for incentive pay adopted by the general meeting. The

authority may only be exercised by issuing share options that confer the

right to subscribe for Class B shares in the proportion 1:1 at the market

price of these at the time of the issue of the share option.

The said proposal shall be included in the company's articles of


d) The general meeting authorises the supervisory board to increase the

Class B share capital to an amount not exceeding nominally DKK 2.4

million (240,000 shares). The authority is valid till 30 September 2011.

The capital increase shall only be effected by a cash contribution. The

capital increase shall only be effected by the supervisory board, the

executive board or other selected executives exercising the share option

allotted by them in the period from 29 August 2007 to 30 June 2011.

The new Class B shares are negotiable instruments registered through

the Danish Securities Centre and are bearer shares, but they may be

registered in the name of the holder. No restrictions shall apply to the

negotiability of the shares. No shareholder shall be obliged to have his

or her shares redeemed, neither wholly nor in part.

The said proposal shall be included in the company's articles of


e) Authorisation of the chairman of the supervisory board to make such

amendments as the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency may

require in order to obtain registration.

f) Authorisation of the supervisory board to acquire up to 10% of the

company's share capital before the next ordinary general meeting with

reference to section 48 of the Danish Companies Act within a price

range of 10% below or above the current market price.

7. Appointment of auditors

8. Any other business

Adoption of items 6a, 6c and 6d on the agenda require a qualified majority in   

with article 11 of the articles of association.

The audited annual report and the agenda for the annual general meeting as well 
as the                                                                          

complete proposals and the full wording of the proposed amendments to the       
articles of                                                                     

association will be open for inspection by the shareholders at the company's    
office from 10                                                                  

August 2007.

Admission cards may be obtained by telephoning the company on telephone no. +45

7013 1366 not later than 24 August 2007.

BoConcept Holding A/S

Svend Sigaard

(Chairman of the supervisory board)

