Comendo, registered directed issue with effect from 17 August 2007

|                                      |            Copenhagen, 13 August 2007 |
Comendo A/S - registered directed issue                                         

The share capital of Comendo will be increased by 1,374,046 shares of DKK 1. The
shares will be listed with effect from 17 August 2007.                          

| ISIN                  | Name in Official List                                |
| DK0060055515          | Comendo                                              |

The capital increase has been registered with the Danish Commerce and Companies 

For further information, please see the announcements published by Comendo, e.g.
announcement of 10 August 2007.                                                 

For further information, please contact: Simon Søberg Jørgensen, Surveillance,  
tel. +45 33 93 33 66                                                            
ISIN: DK0060055515 (VP: 6005551)                                                

| Name in Official List:               | Comendo                               |
| Volume before change:                | 19,761,523 shares (DKK 19,761,523)    |
| Change:                              | 1,374,046 shares (DKK 1,374,046)      |
| Volume after change:                 | 21,135,569 shares (DKK 21,135,569)    |
| Subscription price:                  | DKK 13.10                             |
| Dividend:                            | Full for 2007                         |
| Denomination:                        | DKK 1                                 |
| Short name:                          | COM                                   |
| Share type:                          | AKTIE                                 |

GENERAL INFORMATION                                                             

| Name/bearer:                         | Name                                  |
| Voting rights on listed shares:      | Full                                  |
| Financial year:                      | 1 July - 31 June                      |
| Unlisted capital:                    | DKK 0                                 |
| Capital increase registered:         | Yes                                   |
| Issuing bank:                        | Capinordic Bank A/S                   |
| Trading lot:                         | 500                                   |
| CBR no.:                             | 26 68 56 24                           |
| GICS:                                | 45 10 30 20                           |
| Type:                                | 6                                     |


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