Alm. Brand Pantebreve A/S, listing of new shares 17 August 2007

Alm. Brand Pantebreve A/S - directed placement (registered)

The share capital of Alm. Brand Pantebreve will on 17 August 2007 be increased
by 600,000 new shares of DKK 100. 

ISIN	         Name in Official List
DK0010272202	Alm. Brand Pantebreve

The capital increase has been registered with the Danish Commerce and Companies

We refer to the prospectus and announcements published by Alm. Brand Pantebreve

For further information, please contact: Simon Søberg Jørgensen, Surveillance,
tel. +45 33 93 33 66 


alm. brand pantebreve - rettet - skema uk.pdf