Hakon Invest s Interim Report, January - June 2007

January 1 - June 30, 2007
- Group revenues amounted to SEK 427 M (314). This represents an
increase of 35.9% compared with the same period in 2006.
- Operating profit for the Group, including share of profits of ICA
AB, amounted to SEK 267 M (354).
- Profit for the period amounted to SEK 771 M (389). Earnings per
share amounted to SEK 4.82 (2.41) before and after dilution.
- The ICA Group's revenues increased by 20.9%, including Rimi Baltic
which was consolidated from January 1, 2007. Excluding Rimi Baltic,
the increase was 5.2%. Profit for the period fell to SEK 832 M

President Claes-Göran Sylvén comments on the Interim Report: "Hakon
Invest reports an improvement in net profit for the first half of
2007. This is due to favorable development in our financial
management, and the positive notification received earlier in the
year from the National Tax Board on tax deduction possibilities for
losses incurred previously. At the same time, shares of profits from
our portfolio companies are lower since our largest holding, ICA,
reports lower earnings for the first half. Investments and increased
logistics costs in Sweden are the main charge against ICA's earnings,
as well as the ongoing restructuring in Norway. In sales terms we see
at the same time that ICA's earlier investments are having an effect.
ICA Sverige, Rimi Baltic and ICA Banken all show a very good sales
development. In Norway, the major action program launched at the
beginning of the year started to have an effect which can be seen in
the form of increased sales in comparable stores. However, a lot of
work remains to be done in Norway before we can expect satisfactory

For more information, contact:

Vice President Corporate Communications
Anders Hallgren, tel. +46-8-553 399 66

Head of Investor Relations
Pernilla Linger, tel. +46-8-553 399 55

Hakon Invest, which is listed on the Nordic Exchange Large Cap list,
conducts active and long-term investment operations in
retail-oriented companies in the Nordic region. Hakon Invest owns 40%
of ICA AB, one of the Nordic region's leading food retail companies.
Hakon Invest also has holdings in Forma Publishing Group, Kjell &
Company, Hemma, Cervera and inkClub. Further information about Hakon
Invest is available at www.hakoninvest.se


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