Independent BasicEnergy Global - New Fund

Independent BasicEnergy Global Fund is due for listing on OMX Copenhagen Stock  
Exchange on 12 September 2007.                                                  

Units of a nominal value of DKK 50,000 can be subscribed for at a price of DKK  
51,250 from 24 August 2007 to 7 September 2007.                                 

Independent BasicEnergy Global is new and invests globally in solid companies   
with focus on energy, raw materials, utilities, transportation and companies    
with associated activities. The fund will primarily reflect the world's         
requirements for growth, namely the basic resources. Investments are made       
globally and fundamentally with the same investment strategy as that of the     
funds mentioned above. The companies in question are though particularly        
influenced by changing market conditions, which in the short run might cause    
considerable fluctuations of their share prices.  Cautious investors will,      
therefore, restrict their investments in this fund to a limited part of their   

New Full Prospectus including Independent BasicEnergy Global has been adjusted. 

For further information please refer to or call        
Tiedemann Independent A/S telephone + 45 33 15 60 15.


independent invest prospectus 2007.pdf