Interim report January 1 - June 30 2007 for FirstFarms A/S

The Board of Directors and Management of FirstFarms A/S has today
reviewed and adopted the unaudited half-yearly accounts for the
period January 1 to June 30 2007.

In the first half of the year, FirstFarms A/S has achieved a turnover
of DKK 21.9 million, an EBIT result of DKK -4.2 million and a pre-tax
result of  DKK  1.2 million,  which  is  DKK 2  million  better  than

The company has revised the pre-tax  result upwards to DKK 4  million
such that  the turnover  is expected  to be  DKK 55-60  million,  the
EBIT-result DKK -3 to -5 million and the group's total pre-tax result
DKK 4-6 million.

FirstFarms A/S has supplied  a tender to  a neighbouring company  for
its existing activities in Slovakia. The neighbouring company has  at
its disposal one flour mill and 2,000 hectares of leasehold property,
half of which is certified for organic operations.

The building plans in Slovakia is proceeding as planned. The  company
is in the final stages of negotiations and construction of the cattle
stables is therefore expected to start in October/November 2007.

The company has established a Rumanian subsidiary company, FirstFarms
s.r.l. and  has increased  ownership of  farming land  in Rumania  to
1,250 hectares in the so-called "black earth belt", of which the  874
hectares were acquired during the accounting period.


Halfyear report 2007