NKT strategy 2008 - 2012

Company release 19 - 2007
The Nordic Stock Exchange Copenhagen

23. August 2007

NKT strategy 2008 - 2012
The Board of Directors of NKT Holding approved the NKT Group's new strategic
framework at an ordinary Board meeting held on 23 August 2007. The new strategy
plan, which is described in a separate report, is entitled: NKT 2008-2012 -
“Building Power” 

The strategy report can be downloaded from www.nkt.dk 

Today at 3 p.m. a live webcast briefing and conference call concerning the
interim report for 2nd quarter 2007 and the NKT 2008 - 2012 strategy plan,
takes place at FUHU Conference Centre, Fiolstræde 44 in Copenhagen. 

Please register for this meeting at telephone +45 4348 3204 or e-mail

This release is published in Danish and English. In the event of any questions
of interpretation the Danish text shall prevail. 

Any questions should be directed to 
Thomas Hofman-Bang, CEO, telephone +45 4348 3202

Yours sincerely,
NKT Holding A/S,
Communications department

