Further information about the criminal charges against board members and members of management

Europeinvestment A/S
(formerly Live Networks Holding A/S)
CVR no. 10435013
c/o Inwema ApS
Kongevejen 53, DK-2840  Holte
Telephone  0046 8 545 00140

Stock Exchange Notification 2007-08-24

Re.:  Further information about the criminal charges against board members and
members of management 

As mentioned in the notification of 8 August 2007, the police (statsadvokaten
for særlig økonomisk kriminalitet) had on 8 August 2007 charged members of the
Board and man-agement of Europeinvestment A/S with crimes relating to incorrect
company information and price manipulations or attempts hereto. The alleged
crimes relate to the period 19 April 2005 to 20 April 2006. The charges relate
to assets that have been disposed of by Europein-vestment A/S. 

Europeinvestment A/S is not charged with any violation of the rules. However,
the charges affect Europeinvestment A/S and its shareholders. By this
notification, the Company will shed some further light on the matters which the
Board members and members of Manage-ment are charged with. 

The charges relate to the following matters:

1)	Incorrect information, cf. the Penal Code § 296, by during the period 19
April 2005 until 23 February 2006 letting Europeinvestment A/S provide
incorrect and price manipulating information about its situation by in
connection with stock exchange notifications and prospectus, accounts etc.
pretending that the Company through the Swedish company Live Networks
International AB had access to more than 25,000 adult movies at a value of at
least DKK 100 million, which according to the police was incorrect. 

The police's assumption is based on an allegation that Live Networks
International AB did not have the Scandinavian rights to the 25,000 film

To the Company, the charge seems to be ill founded and extremely strange. The
matter has already been investigated in depth by the Securities Council
(Fondsrådet) who concluded that they had found no indications of violation of
the rules in relation to the accounts. 

The Scandinavian film rights were licensed from Aladdin Investment Services
Ltd, which licensed them from Rome Settlement Trust, which had in turn licensed
them from Cable Entertainment Distribution Inc. 

In connection with the in-depth investigation, the Securities Council appointed
Pricewater-houseCoopers as investigator. The investigator had access to
detailed information about the existence of the film rights, including
auditors' statements from a Swedish and a Danish auditor, as well as
confirmations issued directly by the world's largest distributor of adult
movies, Cable Entertainment Distribution Inc., which distributor represents 90
% of the en-tire porn production industry, and which firm is deemed to be the
porn industry's equivalent to Disney. 

The conclusion from the in-depth investigator was that there was no indication
that Live Networks International AB did not have the film rights. 

On that basis, the Board Members of the Company at the time believed that it
was reason-able to conclude that Live Networks International AB did in fact own
25,000 film rights and thus that the charges are completely unfounded. 

2)	Price manipulation or attempts hereto, cf. the Securities Trading Etc. Act §
94, cf. § 39, cf. § 38, by letting Europeinvestment A/S provide incorrect and
price manipulat-ive information about the value of the Company's shares by
notifying on 20 June 2005 that the Company's major shareholder, Aladdin
Investment Services Ltd., had sold 12 million shares in the Company to a number
of private investors at a price of DKK 11.5 per share, which according to the
police was incorrect. 

The police's assumption is based on an allegation that the sales price was not
DKK 11.5 per share. 

It may be noted that the obligation to notify a listed company about trade in
the listed com-pany's shares lies on the seller of the shares, i.e. Aladdin
Investment Services Ltd. 

It may also be noted that the financial intermediary, Luxembourg International
Consulting S.A. (www.interconsult.lu) is owned by one third by Danske Bank
International S.A., and that the financial intermediary explicitly approved the
stock exchange notification which confirmed the price paid for the shares. 

On that basis, the Board Members of the Company at the time found it reasonable
to con-clude that the sales price notified was the same as the actual sales
price and thus that the charges are completely unfounded. 

3)	Price manipulation or attempts hereto, cf. the Securities Trading Etc. Act §
94, cf. § 39, cf. § 38, by letting Europeinvestment A/S provide incorrect and
price manipulat-ive information about the Company's matters during the period
12 January to 23 February 2006, by pretending that the companies Tritel Media
AB and Tritel In-vestments Inc, which had now taken over the Company's
activities from Live Net-works International AB, had the financial capability
to develop the company's busi-ness, which according to the police was

The charge is unclear, but it may be based on an allegation that Tritel Media
AB did not have any cash in January / February 2006. 

If the charge is based on such an allegation, the charge seems extremely
strange and entirely unfounded. 

In the prospectus of Tritel Media AB it was stated that the share capital of
the company amounted to SEK 1,361,500,000 and that Tritel Media AB had an
equity of SEK 1,361,500,000, of which SEK 1,100,000,000 consisted of cash
assets. The annual accounts for Tritel Media AB for 2005 published on 23 March
2006 confirmed that Tritel Media AB as of 31 December 2005 still had cash
reserves of SEK 1.1 billion. 

The annual report was audited by a Swedish auditor who in connection with his
audit re-ceived bank statements confirming the cash in Tritel Media AB.
Furthermore, it may be noted that NGM in Sweden as a prerequisite for the NGM
listing in December 2005 re-quired proof of the funds being available. This
proof was submitted to and accepted by NGM and an independent auditor assisting
NGM in December 2005. Furthermore, NGM requested additional proof of the funds
being available in March 2006 when there were speculations in the press about
the existence of the funds. The proof submitted to NGM in March 2006 was also
approved by NGM. 

Since the existence of the cash has been investigated twice by the Swedish
stock exchange authorities and both investigations concluded that the cash was
indeed available, the charge in this relation seems very strange and entirely
unfounded if it relates to the cash available in Tritel Media AB. 

4)	Price manipulation or attempts hereto, cf. the Securities Trading Etc. Act §
94, cf. § 39, cf. § 38, by letting Europeinvestment A/S provide incorrect and
price manipulat-ive information about the Company's matters during the period
23 March to 20 April 2006, by informing in stock exchange notifications that
Tritel Investments Inc. would make a purchase offer to the shareholders of the
Company that they could swap their shares in the Company for shares in Tritel
Media AB in the ratio 1 to 1, even though the police believes that there was no
intention to make such an offer. 

The alleged crime relates primarily to a notification made by Europeinvestment
A/S on 23 March 2006. In order to understand the charges, the following
background information is relevant: 

•	In June 2005, Europeinvestment A/S acquired the video on demand company, Live
Networks International AB against issue of new shares in Europeinvestment A/S.
The intention was to create a rapid expansion in the video on demand business
and to finance this by a new share issue. 
•	The price of Europeinvestment A/S shares dropped significantly from June
2005. Carrying out a new share issue was thus made significantly more
•	Tritel Media AB was listed at Nordic Growth Market in December 2005. The
pur-pose of this company was to do business within all segments of the
entertainment business, including video on demand. 
•	On 12 January 2006, Europeinvestment A/S received an offer from Tritel Media
AB offering to purchase all assets and liabilities against issue of new shares
in Tritel Media AB. At the same date, the Board of Directors of
Europeinvestment A/S pro-posed a share buy-back programme which was intended to
make it possible to re-deem the shareholders' shares in Europeinvestment A/S
against shares in Tritel Me-dia AB. This would effectively be a swap of shares
in Europeinvestment A/S against shares in Tritel Media AB. This was intended to
be followed by a de-listing of Eu-ropeinvestment A/S once all shareholders had
received shares in Tritel Media AB. 
•	On 23 January 2006, the sale to Tritel Media and the share buy back programme
were approved and signed and the decisions in relation to the share buy back
pro-gramme were submitted to the Commerce and Companies Agency for
•	In connection with the registration of the changes decided at the general
meeting, the Commerce and Companies Agency informed the Company's lawyer that
the share buy-back programme could only be carried out if shareholders agreeing
to participate in the buy-back programme would refrain from trading shares
during a 3 months pe-riod. This decision was notified by the Company on 31
January 2006. The Company notified that it intended to look into alternative
ways of ensuring the share swap without such a 3 months waiting period. 
•	During January and February 2006, the Swedish press put significant focus on
the adult movies owned by Live Networks International AB, and it was concluded
by Tritel Media AB that it should not proceed with the purchase of a company
with such activities. 
•	On 23 February 2006, Tritel Investments Inc. agreed to fulfil the obligations
of Tritel Media AB under the agreement of 23 January 2006 and thus to purchase
all activities of Europeinvestment A/S against shares in Tritel Media AB. The
share buy back programme planned in January 2006 would at this time cause
unfavourable tax con-sequences for the shareholders in addition to the problem
of the 3 months' waiting period mentioned above. 
•	On 10 March 2006, Europeinvestment A/S notified that Tritel Investments Inc.
was considering to make a purchase offer by which the shareholders of
Europeinvestment A/S were offered to swap their shares for shares in Tritel
Media AB. 
•	On 23 March 2006, Tritel Investments Inc. informed the Company that it
intended to make the purchase offer in relation to the share swap. It was
notified that the deci-sion was “conditional on no unexpected problems
occurring in connection with the authorities' approval of the offer document.” 

As illustrated by the above summary of events (which is supported by stock
exchange notifi-cations published by Europeinvestment A/S at the dates
mentioned above), the share swap was in accordance with the Board's plans from
January 2006, and on 23 March 2006 the Board of Europeinvestment A/S had
finally convinced Tritel Investments Inc. that the share swap would be
beneficial to all parties. 

It may be noted that the decision to make a purchase offer (conditional on no
unexpected problems occurring) was made solely by Tritel Investments Inc. and
that Europeinvestment A/S was simply notified of this decision.
Europeinvestment A/S had an obligation to pass that information on to its

That Tritel Investments Inc. did in fact intend to make the purchase offer is,
however, sup-ported by the following facts: 

1)	The decision to make an offer (subject to no unexpected problems occurring)
was made and notified on 23 March 2006. An offer document must be published
within 4 weeks of the decision, and the 4 week deadline thus expired on 20
April 2006. 
2)	On 24 March 2006, the Financial Supervisory Authority was asked whether a
pro-spectus would be required in connection with the offer of Tritel Media AB
shares in Denmark or whether the prospectus published by Tritel Media AB was
sufficient. The legal advisors to the Company and to Tritel Investments Inc.
did not believe that a separate prospectus was required since the EU rules
specify that a foreign prospec-tus is valid for 12 months in all EU countries. 
3)	On 3 April 2006, contacts were made to Europeinvestment A/S's bank, Nordea,
in order to make sure that the swap of shares in Europeinvestment A/S with
shares in Tritel Media AB could be handled in practice, including opening of
Swedish VP ac-counts. During the following weeks, several contacts were made to
Nordea to follow up. 
4)	On 4 April 2006, the Financial Supervisory Authority responded that a
prospectus would be required unless the information in the Purchase Offer
contained all infor-mation relevant for a prospectus. The decision of the
Financial Supervisory Author-ity meant that the Offer Document should be
5)	On 7 April 2006, the Offer Document was ready in an English version. The
Financial Supervisory Authority informed that the Offer Document would only be
reviewed when it was received in Danish. 
6)	On 11 April 2006, a Danish version of the draft Purchase Offer including
prospectus information was forwarded to the Copenhagen Stock Exchange and to
the Financial Supervisory Authority. 
7)	On 19 April 2006, the Copenhagen Stock Exchange (at 12:11 hours) and the
Finan-cial Supervisory Authority (at 16.15 hours) provided comments to the
draft purchase offer. The Financial Supervisory Authority refused to extend the
4 week deadline for providing the purchase offer. 
8)	On 20 April 2006, the 4 week deadline expired. On this day, Nordea informed
Eu-ropeinvestment A/S that they were not able to confirm that they could assist
in con-nection with the swap of shares. The reason stated by Nordea was that
they were still in dialogue with Nordea Sweden and had not yet determined how
to distribute the Swedish shares into Danish custody accounts. 
9)	On 20 April 2006, Tritel Investments Inc. informed Europeinvestment A/S that
un-expected problems had occurred during the approval process and that the
offer would therefore not be made. 
10)	Tritel Investments Inc. has paid all of the costs in relation to the
drafting of the draft Purchase Offer and in relation to the review of this
draft by the Stock Exchange. 

The information requested by the authorities included detailed information
about the plans and strategy of Tritel Media AB as well as information about
Morocco Film City, which information was then not available to Europeinvestment
A/S or to any of its board members or members of management. Furthermore, even
the information which had been available to Sebastian Bach in his capacity as
board member of Tritel Media AB could not be passed on by him to
Europeinvestment A/S without approval from the Board of Directors of Tritel
Media AB. 

It may additionally be mentioned that the Company during the weeks following
this notifica-tion corresponded with Tritel Investments Inc. regarding the
planned offer, including alter-native solutions for effecting the share swap.
This also supports that Tritel Investments Inc. intended to make the purchase

Shortly after expiry of the offer period, the major shareholders of Tritel
Media AB started negotiating an AIM listing of Europe Vision Plc. The purchase
offer to the shareholders could not proceed until the AIM listing had occurred
since the purchase offer then would need to include information about Europe
Vision Plc, which information could only be given after the AIM listing had
been carried out. In connection with the AIM listing, a lock-up of 12 months
was required by AIM rules, and the purchase offer could thus not have been made
by Tritel Investments Inc. until July 2007. 

To Europeinvestment A/S it seems to have been demonstrated very clearly that
Tritel In-vestments Inc. had the intention to make a purchase offer and that
the purchase offer was stopped by matters outside of Tritel Investments Inc.'s

The Roles of the Individuals Charged

In the chat pages regarding Europeinvestment A/S, significant focus has been on
the in-volvement of the individuals now charged. It seems to be speculated that
these persons have had extensive knowledge of events occurring in both
Europeinvestment A/S on the one side and Tritel Media AB / Europe Vision Plc on
the other side. 

These speculations are unfounded, which is shown by the fact that except for
Sebastian Bach (who did not participate in the decisions made by the Board of
Directors of Europeinvest-ment A/S involving Tritel Media AB), none of the
members of the Board or Management of Europeinvestment A/S have at the same
time been in the Board or Management of Eu-ropeinvestment A/S on the one side
and Tritel Media AB or Europe Vision Plc at the other side. 

Furthermore, the view that the parties involved have taken their
confidentiality obligations very seriously is illustrated by the sad fact that
Europeinvestment A/S in relation to past stock exchange notifications some
times have been delayed in notifying about matters relat-ing to Europe Vision
Plc., since they had to discover the matters notified by Europe Vision Plc by
checking the website of Europe Vision Plc without prior warning from Europe
Vision Plc. 

David Lowe and Simon Denton were members of the Board of Directors of
Europeinvest-ment A/S from 12 November 2004 until 22 December 2005. In December
2005, they be-came members of the Board of Tritel Media AB. They retired from
the Board of Europein-vestment A/S to avoid any conflicts of interest in
relation to Tritel Media AB and the pur-chase offer which Tritel Media AB made
to Europeinvestment A/S in January 2006. 

They have since December 2005 been board members in Tritel Media AB and since 9
June 2006 in Europe Vision Plc. In addition, David Lowe is a board member of
TMG Inc., the company dealing with the Morocco Film City project. 

They have since their exit from the Board of Europeinvestment A/S on 22
December 2005 had no influence in Europeinvestment A/S and no involvement in
the Company's activities. 

Björn Schröder was the managing director of Europeinvestment A/S from 2 May
2005 until 22 February 2006. He retired as managing director of
Europeinvestment A/S when he be-came managing director of Tritel Media AB. 

He has since his exit from the management of Europeinvestment A/S on 22
February 2006 had no influence in Europeinvestment A/S and no involvement in
the Company's activities. 

Sebastian Bach was board member in Europeinvestment A/S from 29 April 2005
until 20 April 2007. He was also a board member in Tritel Media AB from
December 2005. As noti-fied by Europeinvestment A/S in connection with the
transactions involving Tritel Media AB, he did not participate in the Board's
decisions concerning the offer made by Tritel Me-dia AB. 

Kenneth Dundas has been a board member in Europeinvestment A/S from 22 December
2005 until today. He is not and has never been a member of the Board or
Management of Tritel Media AB or Europe Vision Plc. and has never had any
influence in these companies. 

Hans Birkholm has been a board member in Europeinvestment A/S from 22 December
2005 until today. He is not and has never been a member of the Board or
Management of Tritel Media AB or Europe Vision Plc. and has never had any
influence in these companies. 

Castro Khatib was a member of the Board of Directors from 12 November 2004
until 29 April 2005 and Managing Director of the Company from 22 February 2006
until today. He also became the managing director of Tritel Media AB in
November 2006. During the time period which the charges relate to, he was not
member of the Board or Management of Tritel Media AB. He is not and has never
been member of the Board or Management of Europe Vision Plc. The only influence
he has had over Tritel Media AB or Europe Vision Plc is through the Khatib
family's indirect control of large shareholdings in these companies. 

Effect for the Existing Board and Management

Hans Birkholm, Kenneth Dundas, Björn Schröder and Castro Khatib have already
given their statements to the police. They have cooperated fully with the

Sebastian Bach, Simon Denton and David Lowe have confirmed to the Danish police
that they will cooperate fully with the investigation. 

The police has not made any arrests in connection with the investigations.

Based on their experience with similar cases, the defence attorneys have stated
that the in-vestigations may not be finalised for a period of up to 2 years. 

The Board of Directors now consists only of Hans Birkholm and Kenneth Dundas.
On the basis of the documentation available to them, they have decided not to
take any steps toward the managing director, Castro Khatib, who will thus
continue as managing director. 

The Board of Directors has discussed the composition of the future Board of
Directors with the Company's major shareholder, Aladdin Investment Services
Ltd. The result of these dis-cussions is that the Board will propose Castro
Khatib to join the Board at the extraordinary general meeting to be held on 27
August 2007. 

Questions may be made to managing director Castro Khatib at telephone 0046 8
545 00140. 

Europeinvestment A/S