The Extraordinary General Meeting will be held on 25 August 2007

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Agrovaldymo grupė AB (code 1262 34360, 
registered address: Smolensko st. 10, Vilnius) Shareholders will be held at 
the headquarters of Agrovaldymo grupė AB, Smolensko st. 10, Vilnius, at 10.00 
on 25 August 2007. Registration will take place from 9.15 till 9.45. 

The meeting is convened by initiative of the Board. 

The shareholders' registration day for the General Meeting of Shareholders is
20 August 2007. 

Proposed Agenda:

1. Regarding the increase in Company's share capital.
2. Regarding the cancelation of the priority to acquire the 
Company's shares and reasons of such cancelation.
3. Persons that are granted right to acquire the Company's shares
and the number of shares that each of them can acquire.
4. Regarding the approval of the Articles of the Company.
5. Regarding the commission of Company's Director.

Domantas Savičius
(8-5) 233 53 40