SFG: Management Report for Q2 and 6 months of 2007

Management Report for Q2 and 6 months of 2007

In  the  second quarter 2007, PTA Grupp AS earned  a  net
profit  of  EEK  112.8 million (EUR 7.2  million),  which
increased by EEK 110.3 million (EUR 7.0 million) compared
to  the  second  quarter of the previous  year.  The  net
margin  of  the second quarter of this year is 27.5%  (Q2
2006:  8.6%). Q2 sales increased by 3.2 times yoy to  EEK
410.7  million  (EUR 26.2 million) and the Group's  gross
margin in Q2 2007 reached 46.3% compared to 51.0% in  the
second  quarter of 2006. Operating margin  reached  39.7%
(10.3%  in  Q2 2006) and operating profit was  EEK  162.9
million  (EUR 10.4 million) compared to EEK  3.1  million
(EUR 0.2 million) in Q2 2006.

Cumulative  six month sales of PTA Grupp AS  amounted  to
EEK  779.2  million (EUR 49.8 million), having  increased
12.8  times compared to the first six month of 2006.  The
Group's gross and operating margins in the first half  of
the year stood at 43.9% and 29.0% respectively (45.5% and
6.3% in the six months of 2006). Operating profit in  the
first  six  months of 2007 amounted to EEK 226.0  million
(EUR  14.4 million) compared to EEK 3.9 million (EUR  0.2
million) in six the first six months of 2006. Net  profit
for  the  first six months of 2007 amounted to EEK  146.3
million  (EUR  9.4 million) and net margin reached  18.8%
(5.0% in the first six months of 2006).

The remarkable growth in company's results and profits is
explained by the acquisition of AS Silvano Fashion  Group
in  2006 which has directly affected earnings per  share.
By  H1  2006  earnings per share stood at EEK  1.56  (EUR
0.10) whereas by H1 2007 earnings per share amount to EEK
3.86  (EUR 0.25) which is 2.5 times more compared to  the
previous year.

Sales Revenue

Sales by Products/Services

In  the  first half of 2007 the sales revenue related  to
sales  of  women's apparel increased by EEK 21.8  million
(EUR  1.4  million) compared to the first half  of  2006,
forming  9.0%  of  the Group's sales  revenue  (H1  2006:
79.4%). Lingerie sales in first half of 2007 amounted  to
EEK  690.1  million (EUR 44.1 million) forming  88.6%  of
total  Group's sales revenue. The sales of subcontracting
services  and  other sales increased by EEK  6.2  million
(EUR  0.4  million) compared to the same period in  2006.
Sales  of subcontracting services and other sales in  the
first half of 2007 amounted to EEK 18.8 million (EUR  1.2
million) forming 2.4 % of total sales revenue.

Sales by business segments

            6       6             6      6             6      6 
       months  months Change months months Change months months
         2007    2006    EEK   2007   2006    EUR   2007   2006
          EEK     EEK   mill.   EUR    EUR   mill. perc.   perc.

apparel  70.3    48.5  21.8     4.5    3.1    1.4  9.0%   79.4%
rie     690.1      -  690.1    44.1      -   44.1 88.6%      -

sales   18.8   12.6    6.2      1.2    0.8    0.4  2.4%   20.6%

Total   779.2  61.1  718.1     49.8    3.9   45.9 100.0% 100.00%

Sales by Markets

Women's apparel

Women's  apparel  sales  revenue  has  increased  in  all
markets.  On the first half of 2007 sales volume  in  the
Estonian  market  increased by EEK 7.5 million  (EUR  0.5
million)  in  comparison  with the  same  period  of  the
previous year, amounting to 50.6% of the sales revenue of
women's  apparel (58.8% in the first half of  2006).  The
sales  volume in Latvia increased by 22.1% in  the  first
half-year,  amounting  to  EEK  16.0  million  (EUR   1.0
million)  and in Finland by 35.7%, amounting to  EEK  7.6
million (EUR 0.5 million).


The  majority of lingerie sales revenue in the first half
of  2007  was earned on the Russian market (amounting  to
EEK  366.3 million (EUR 23.4 million) giving 52.9% of all
lingerie  sale volume for the first half of 2007).  Sales
in  Russia comprise both retail sales and wholesale.  The
second  biggest  region  of lingerie  sales  is  Belarus,
amounting  to EEK 139.1 million (EUR 8.9 million)  giving
20.1  %  of  all lingerie sales revenue (also  comprising
both  retail sales and wholesale). As lingerie is  a  new
business  line  for  the  Group,  comparable  figures  of
previous periods are not available.

In  terms  of lingerie brands, sales of “Milavitsa”  core
brand accounted for 75.0% of total lingerie sales revenue
in  the  first  half of 2007 and amounted  to  EEK  517.5
million  (EUR  33.1 million). The sales of “Lauma”  brand
accounted  for 7.7% of total lingerie sales and  amounted
to  EEK 53.1 million (EUR 3.4 million). Other brands such
as   “Alisee”,   “Aveline”,  “Laumelle”,  “Lauma   Aqua”,
“Laumelle Aqua” and “Bellita” comprised 17.3 %  of  total
lingerie sales in the first half of 2007 amounting to EEK
119.4 million (EUR 7.6 million).

Total sales by markets

             6      6  Change      6      6  Change     6       6
        months months     EEK months months   EUR   months  months
          2007   2006  million   2007   2007           2007    2006
           EEK    EEK             EUR    EUR million percen  percen
       million million         millon  millon          tage    tage
                                                       from    from
                                                      sales   sales
Estonia   92.4   28.5    63.9    5.9    1.8   4.1  12.2%   58.7%
Finland   25.9    5.6    20.3    1.7    0.4   1.3   3.4%   11.5%
Latvia    25.2   13.1    12.1    1.6    0.8   0.8   3.3%   27.0%
Belarus  139.1      -   139.1    8.9      -   8.9  18.3%       -
Ukraine   51.0      -    51.0    3.3      -   3.3   6.7%       -
Russia   366.3      -   366.3   23.4      -  23.4  48.2%       -
Other     60.5    1.3    59.2    3.8    0.1   3.7   7.9%    2.8%
Total    760.4   48.5   711.9   48.6    3.1  45.5  100.0%   100.0%

Retail Sales

Total retail sales of the Group in the first half of 2007
amounted   to   EEK  96.3  million  (EUR  6.2   million),
increasing 2.7 times compared to the first six months  of

Retail  sales  are conducted in Estonia, Latvia,  Russia,
Belarus, Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine. As of the end  of
June  2007, the Group operated 67 retail outlets  with  a
total area of 8,554 square meters. Women's apparel retail
sales  are  conducted in Estonia, Latvia,  Lithuania  and
Russia.  As of the end of June 2007, women's apparel  was
sold in 19 stores with a total sales area of 4,191 square
meters  (30  June  2006: 2,688 square  meters).  Lingerie
retail sales are conducted in Russia, Belarus, Latvia and
Poland.  As of the end of June 2007 there were 48  stores
with a total area of 4,363 square meters selling lingerie

Within  the  first six months of 2007 12 new stores  were
opened: six in the apparel business (operating under  the
“PTA”  name), including three in Russia, two in Lithuania
and  one  in  Estonia,  and six stores  in  the  lingerie
business  under the “Oblicie” name in Russia.  The  Group
intends to continue its retail expansion.

Number of stores
                         30.06.2007    31.12.2006
Estonia                           8             7
Latvia                            6             6
Poland                            7             7
Belarus                          20            20
Russia                           24            15
Lithuania                         2             -
Total stores                     67            55
Total sales area, m2          8,554         6,705

The  increase in retail sales of women's apparel  of  the
like-for-like spaces was 19% compared to the  first  half
of  2006.  Overall increase in sales per square meter  in
the  PTA apparel stores was 6% in the first half of 2007.
In  the  first  half of 2007 the main objective  for  the
women's apparel segment was the entry into the Lithuanian
retail  market, preparatory work for the entry  into  the
Ukrainian  market  and the continuing  expansion  of  the
apparel  retail chain in Russia. The entry into  the  new
markets  as  well as comparatively low sales  per  square
meter  in  new  stores within first months in  operations
resulted  in  overall lower growth of  sales  per  square

Increase  in  retail sales was supported by  increase  in
sales  in the same stores and expansion of the PTA retail

The like-for-like increase in the Oblicie lingerie retail
chain  is  about 32% for stores operating more  than  one
year.  In  the first half of 2007 the main objective  for
the Group's lingerie retail operations was the opening of
new stores in Russia. In addition to the general seasonal
marketing   campaigns  directed  to  the   new   markets,
marketing operations were focused on campaigns supporting
the expansion on the Russian market.

As  lingerie sale is a new business line for  the  Group,
comparable figures of previous years cannot be presented.


In  the first half of 2007 the wholesales amounted to EEK
663.4  million  (EUR 42.4 million) giving  85.1%  of  the
Group's  total revenue. Russia, Ukraine and Belarus  were
main   wholesales  regions  in  lingerie  business  while
Finland  and  the Baltic States accounted  for  the  vast
majority  of  wholesales in the apparel business  of  the
Group.  Sales  revenue from wholesale of women's  apparel
increased  by 34.1 % in H1 2007 compared to H1  2006.  As
soon  as  lingerie sale is a new business  line  for  the
Group,  comparable figures of previous  years  cannot  be

Sales of subcontracting and other services

Sales  of  subcontracting and other services amounted  to
EEK  18.8  million  (EUR 1.2 million), a  49.2%  increase
compared  to  the  first six months  of  2006.  Sales  of
subcontracting services increased in the women's  apparel
segment  on  account of the Finnish market.  Increase  in
turnover  of 49.2% in comparison with the same period  of
the  previous year was mainly caused by the  increase  in
the  price of sewing and the price of full services  sold
to customers.


The  Group's gross margin in the first half of  2007  was
43.9%  (45.5%  in  the first six months of  2006).  Gross
profit  in the first six months of 2007 amounted  to  EEK
341.8  million (EUR 21.8 million) compared  to  EEK  27.8
million  (EUR  1.8 million) in the first  six  months  of
2006,  increasing 12.1 times mainly due to the operations
of Silvano Fashion Group acquired in 2006.

Operating  profit in the first half of 2007  amounted  to
EEK  226.0  million  (EUR  14.4  million),  resulting  in
operating  profit margin of 29.0% (6.3% in the first  six
months of 2006). Within the first half of 2007, the Group
increased  its  shareholding in its subsidiary  Milavitsa
resulting  in gains from business combination  booked  in
the  second  quarter of 2007 in the total amount  of  EEK
72.2 million (EUR 4.6 million).

The  net  profit of the Group (after taxes  and  minority
shareholding) for the first half of 2007 amounted to  EEK
146.3  million  (EUR 9.4 million). The net profit  margin
for the first half of 2007 was 18.8% compared to 5.0%  in
the same period of the previous year.

Balance sheet

The  total  assets  on  the  consolidated  balance  sheet
amounted to EEK 927.1 million (EUR 59.3 million) as of 30
June  2007. Compared to the end of the previous year  the
balance  sheet total assets have increased by  EEK  115.0
million  (EUR  7.3 million). Both assets and  liabilities
have increased in connection with rapid retail expansion.

As  of  the  end  of June the inventories  of  the  Group
amounted   to  EEK  281.6  million  (EUR  18.0   million)
increasing by EEK 51.3 million (EUR 3.3 million) over the
first  half  of the year. The increase in the balance  of
inventories is related to the expansion of activities  in
Russia and other retail markets.

Trade receivables have increased by EEK 61.9 million (EUR
4.0  million)  amounting to EEK 173.6 million  (EUR  11.1
million).  Trade  receivables balance is  higher  due  to
wholesale seasonality and due to a change in the terms of
agreements  with some customers made in order  to  retain
competitiveness, especially in the CIS markets.

Trade  payables have increased by EEK 33.5  million  (EUR
2.1  million)  compared  to  the  end  of  previous  year
amounting  to  EEK  121.0 million (EUR  7.7  million).The
volumes  of  trade payables increased on account  of  the
increase in sales volumes and the implementation  of  the
store opening plan.

At  the end of June 2007, the Group's borrowings amounted
to  EEK  31.5 million (EUR 2.0 million), having decreased
by  EEK 7.9 million (EUR 0.5 million) since the beginning
of  year. In H1 2007, the overdraft limit of PTA Grupp AS
was  increased  by  EEK  6.0 million  (EUR  0.4  million)
amounting in total to EEK 11.0 million (EUR 0.7 million).


During   the  first  six  months  of  2007  the   Group's
investments totaled EEK 64.5 million (EUR 4.1 million). A
total  of EEK 21.0 million (EUR 1.3 million) was invested
in  retail  operations, other investments  were  made  in
equipment and facilities to maintain effective production


As  of  the  end  of the first half of  2007,  the  Group
employed   3,290  employees,  including  492  in   retail
operations  and  2,219  in production  and  the  rest  in
wholesale, administration and support. As the  result  of
the  merger with Silvano Fashion Group in 2006, the staff
outside  Estonia  comprises 89.3% of the total  workforce
(2,938 employees).

Total  salaries  and  wages for the first  half  of  2007
amounted   to  EEK  116.1  million  (EUR  7.4   million).
Remuneration paid to the members of the Management  Board
and  Supervisory Board totaled EEK 0.8 million (EUR  0.05

Change in the format of income statement

Starting  from the first half of 2007, the Group  uses  a
new format of income statement. The need to change format
arose from expanding retail activities. The new format of
income statement allows for a better presentation of  the
Group's  consolidated  results as  a  retail  group.  The
income statements of the previous financial periods  were
restated to make them comparable with the new format.

Selected financial data (six months 2007)

Key figures and ratios      30.06.2007 30.06.2006    Change
Net sales (EEK million)          779.2       61.1     718.1
Net income (EEK million)         146.3        3.0     143.3
Earnings before interest,        244.3        6.6     237.7
taxes and depreciation
(EBITDA) ( EEK million)
Earnings before interest         226.0        3.9     222.1
and taxes (EBIT) (EEK
Net sales (EUR million)           49.8        3.9      45.9
Net income (EUR million)           9.4        0.2       9.2
Earnings before interest,         15.6        0.4      15.2
taxes and depreciation
(EBITDA) ( EUR million)
Earnings before interest          14.4        0.2      14.2
and taxes (EBIT) (EUR
Operating margin, %              29.0%       6.3%         -
Net margin, %                    18.8%       5.0%         -
ROA, %                           12.9%       5.5%         -
ROE, %                           16.8%      17.7%         -
Earnings per share (EPS),         3.86       1.56         -
in EEK
Earnings per share (EPS),         0.25       0.10         -
in EUR
Current ratio                      3.1        1.2         -
Quick ratio                        1.9        0.2         -
Underlying formulas:
Operating margin = operating profit / sales revenue
Net margin = net profit attributable to equity holders of
the parent / sales revenue
ROA  (return  on  assets)  = net profit  attributable  to
equity holders of the parent / average total assets
ROE  (return  on  equity)  = net profit  attributable  to
equity holders of the parent / average equity
EPS  (earnings  per share) = net profit  attributable  to
equity holders of the parent / weighted average number of
ordinary shares
Current ratio = current assets / current liabilities
Quick ratio = (current assets - inventories) / current

Balance Sheet

Consolidated, unaudited
                        30.06 30.06  31.12  30.06  30.06  31.12
                        .2007 .2006  .2006  .2007  .2006  .2006
                          EEK   EEK    EEK    EUR    EUR    EUR
                        thous thous  thous  thous  thous  thous
                         and   and    and    and    and    and
Current assets                                                 
Cash and cash       
equivalents          139,020  3,514  200,460  8,885  225 12,812           
receivables          173,583  2,400  111,729 11,094  153  7,141 
Other receivables 
and prepayments       65,591  2,117   45,094  4,192  135  2,882            
Prepaid taxes         22,171    206   31,568  1,417   13  2,017 
Inventories          281,561 34,758  230,255 17,995 2,222 14,716 
Total current           
assets               681,926 42,995  619,106 43,583 2,748 39,568
Non-current assets                                             
Investments in 
equity accounted         
investees              7,651      0      78     489     0      5
financial assets       1,737      0   1,772     111     0    113
Other receivables      5,101    650   2,349     326    42    150
Property, plant     
and equipment        213,917  8,363 172,281  13,671   534 11,011            
assets                16,801  6,589  16,551   1,074   421  1,058 
Total non-current       
assets               245,207 15,602 193,031  15,671   997 12,337 
TOTAL ASSETS         927,133 58,597 812,137  59,254 3,745 51,905
LIABILITIES AND                                                
Loans and   
borrowings           24,972  13,932  29,907   1,596  890   1,911
Trade payables      121,013  13,738  87,534   7,734  878   5,594 
Corporate income        
tax liability         6,916       0   5,976     442    0     382
Other tax               
liabilities          21,968   4,279  19,369   1,404   273   1,238               
Other payables       36,832   3,544  27,815   2,354   227   1,778 
Provisions               12      12      12       1     1       1
Total current           
liabilities         211,713  35,505 170,613  13,531 2,269  10,904

Loans and             
borrowings         6,556   4,250    9,544      419    272     610
Deferred tax 
liabilities          201       0      201       13      0      13
Other liabilities      0     127        0        0      8       0
Provisions           139     141      139        9      9       9
Total non-current
liabilities        6,896   4,518    9,884      441    289     632
liabilities      218,609  40,023  180,497   13,972  2,558  11,536
Share capital at   
par value        379,472  19,469  379,472   24,252  1,244  24,252
Share premium     83,011  40,994   83,011    5,305  2,620   5,305
Statutory capital  
reserve            1,046   1,046    1,046       67     67      67
reaserve         -27,867      13  -10,710   -1,781     1     -684 
earnings         145,310 -42,948     -987    9,287 -2,745     -63     
Total equity            
attributable to            
equity holders of
the parent        580,972  18,574 451,832    37,130  1,187  28,877
interest          127,552       0 179,808     8,152      0  11,492
Total equity      708,524  18,574 631,640    45,282  1,187  40,369 
AND EQUITY        927,133  58,597 812,137    59,254  3,745  51,905

Income Statement-H1
Consolidated, unaudited

                                 2007    2006    2007    2006
                                   H1      H1      H1      H1
                                  EEK     EEK     EUR     EUR
                             thousand thousand thousand thousand
Sales revenue                 779,201   61,088  49,800    3,904 
Costs of goods sold          -437,369  -33,292 -27,953    -2128 
Gross Profit                  341,832   27,796  21,847    1,776
Distribution costs            -89,968  -15,863  -5,750    -1014 
Administrative expenses       -77,560   -7,543  -4,957     -482 
Other operating income         82,411      219   5,267       14
Other operating expenses      -30,667     -740  -1,960      -47 
Operating profit              226,048    3,869  14,447      247
Financial income/expenses                                       
Interest expenses                -391     -546     -25      -34
Gains/losses on conversion       
of foreign currencies          -1,267        0     -81        0    
Other financial income /        
expenses                        1,596      -30     102       -2
Total financial income /      
expenses                          -62     -576      -4      -36
Profit before corporate       225,986    3,293  14,443      211
income tax                             
Corporate income tax          -47,487     -264  -3,035      -17 
Net profit                    178,499    3,029  11,408      194
Net profit attributable to       
parent company                146,297    3,029   9,350      194               
Net profit attributable to         
minority shareholders          32,202        0   2,058        0
Earnings per share                                              
Basic earnings per share         3.86    1.56     0.25     0.10
Diluted earnings per share       3.86    1.56     0.25     0.10

Income Statement-Q2
Consolidated, unaudited

                                    2007    2006    2007    2006
                                      Q2      Q2      Q2      Q2
                                     EEK     EEK     EUR     EUR
                                thousand thousand thousand thousand
Sales revenue                    410,676  29,986  26,247   1,916 
Costs of goods sold             -220,586 -14,697 -14,098    -939 
Gross Profit                     190,090  15,289  12,149     977
Distribution costs               -49,881  -8,042  -3,188    -514 
Administrative expenses          -33,933  -3,804  -2,169    -243 
Other operating income            79,402     127   5,075       8
Other operating expenses         -22,745    -488  -1,454     -31 
Operating profit                 162,933   3,082  10,413     197
Financial income/expenses                                       
Interest expenses                      0    -303       0     -19
Losses on conversion of           -1,127      76     -72       5
foreign currencies
Other financial income /          -1,776     -27    -113      -2
Total financial income /          -2,903    -254    -185     -16
Profit before corporate          160,030   2,828  10,228     181
income tax                             
Corporate income tax             -23,652    -264  -1,512     -17 
Net profit                       136,378   2,564   8,716     164
Net profit attributable to       112,824   2,564   7,211     164
parent company                         
Net profit attributable to        23,554       0   1,505       0
minority shareholders                                      
Earnings per share                                              
Basic earnings per share           2.97    1.32    0.19    0.08
Diluted earnings per share         2.97    1.32    0.19    0.08

Peeter Larin
Member of the Management Board
phone: + 372 6710 700