Share Buyback - EAC

Announcement number 12/2007
Share Buyback - EAC

As previously announced, EAC has initiated a share buyback programme. Under the
programme EAC will buy own shares for an amount of up to DKK 500m until 3
April, 2008, cf. stock exchange announcement no. 11 of 16 August 2007. 

The programme is being executed in accordance with the rules of "Safe Harbour"
as set out by the EU Commis-sion in Regulation 2273/2003 of 22 December, 2003. 

EAC have made the following transactions under the programme since the stock
exchange announcement of 16 August 2007: 

Date	No. of shares	Average purchase price, DKK	Transaction value, DKK
	17.08.2007		5,000		308.00		1,540,000
	20.08.2007		8,600		320.95		2,760,170
	21.08.2007		6,500		322.23		2,094,495
	22.08.2007		5,000		334.60		1,673,000
	23.08.2007	     29,000		336.91		9,770,390
	24.08.2007	     15,700		331.68		5,207,376
	27.08.2007	     14,800		340.05		5,032,740
under the			
programme:	              84,600	331.89		28,078,171

Hereafter EAC owns 84,600 own shares or 0.56% of the share capital.

Yours faithfully,

The East Asiatic Company Ltd. A/S
(A/S Det Østasiatiske Kompagni)

For additional information, please contact:

President & CEO Niels Henrik Jensen, +45 35 25 43 00,
+45 20 23 21 88 (mobile), 

Group CFO Michael Østerlund Madsen, +45 35 25 43 00,
+45 20 41 09 57 (mobile),

This English version is provided for convenience only and in case of
discrepancy the Danish version shall prevail.


share buy back status 070827.pdf