Correction - Date of transaction 31.8.2007 - Published 2007-08-31 18:07:33 CET

Name of party notifying:	
Fjárfestingafélagið Máttur ehf.

Address of the party notifing:	
Suðurlandsbraut 12

Date of transaction:	

Number of shares in transaction:	

Number of shares before the transaction:	

Number of shares after the transaction:	

Holdings of total nominal value before the transaction %:	

Holdings of total nominal value after the transaction %:	

Notification is based on:	
Art. 33 (1) of the Act no. 33/2003 point(s) no.

Additional information	
Einar Sveinsson is a board member in Icelandair Group hf. and
Fjárfestingarfélagið Máttur ehf. Gunnlaugur M. Sigmundsson is CEO of
Fjárfestingarfélagið Máttur ehf. and board member in Icelandair Group hf.
Fjárfestingarfélagið Máttur ehf. buys in this transaction shares of nominal
value kr. 119.990.282,- and holds shares of nominal kr. 231.101.393,- after the
transaction. Máttur is owned by Sjóvá Almennra Trygginga, Hrómundar ehf,
Hafsilfurs ehf, Milestone ehf og Gunnlaugs M. Sigmundssonar.