On 17 September 2007 AS Tallinna Sadam will pay interest on bonds (ISIN code    
EE3300081058) listed in the Tallinn Stock Exchange in amount of EUR 22.10 (EEK
345.79) per bond. Interest will be paid to investors, who according to the 
Estonian Central Securities Register (Register) data are the holders of bonds on
the respective interest payment day, i.e. on 17 September 2007 at 09:00.        

The bonds bear a floating interest rate, which consists of 6-month Euribor plus 
0,32% per annum. The respective Euribor will be determined two banking days     
before each interest period. The 6-month Euribor for the interest period ending 
on 17 September 2007 was fixed on 15 March 2007 and was 4,003%. The total       
interest rate is 4,323% per annum.                                              

All payments to the investors by the issuer in connection with the bonds will be
made in euros. The investor shall present the requisites of its euro account to 
the paying agent AS SEB Eesti Ühispank (e-mail address: at  
least three banking days before the respective payment day. If the investor     
fails to timely present the euro account requisites to the paying agent, the    
paying agent shall transfer the equivalent of the payable sum in Estonian kroons
to the Estonian kroon account of the investor, tied to the securities account,  
which is opened with the Register, on the basis of the Bank of Estonia exchange 
rate valid on the payment day.                                                  

The income tax on the interests paid on the bonds will be withheld according to 
the legal acts.                                                                 

Marju Zirel                                                                     

Sven Ratassepp                                                                  
Public Relations Manager                                                        