- Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday September 24th 2007

Annual General Meeting of Alfesca hf. will be held on Monday September 24th
2007 at 16:30 at Nordica Hotel Reykjavik. 


1.  The Board of Directors report on the Company's operations and results for
    the financial year ended 30 June 2007 

2.  Annual accounts for the financial year ended 30 June 2007 and the auditors'

3.  Proposal on payment of dividends and the disposal of the Company's profit
    for the financial year ended 30 June 2007 

4.  Appointment of the auditors of the Company

5.  Election of members of the Board of Directors for a period of one year

6.  Remuneration of members of the Board of Directors

7.  Proposal of the Board of Directors on a remuneration policy of the Company

8.  Proposal to authorise the Company to purchase own shares

9.  Proposals to amend the Articles of Association of the Company

    Proposal to amend the rate of conversion in the authorization for the Board
    of Directors to denominate the share capital of the Company in Euros. The
    Proposal provides for the rate of conversion to be EUR/ISK = 87,0414134, as
    well as for the nominal value of each share to be one Euro instead of one
    euro cent. 

    Proposal to authorize the Board of Directors of the Company to increase the
    share capital of the Company by up to 850,000,000.00 in nominal value
    through the subscription of up to 850,000,000 new shares. The Board of
    Directors shall determine more specifically how this increase will be
    executed, with reference to price and terms of payment. The current
    shareholders waive their pre-emptive rights to the new shares. The
    authorisation  is valid until 01.09.2012, to the extent that it has not
    then been exercised. 

    Proposal to authorize the Board of Directors of the Company to increase the
    share capital of the Company by up to 850,000,000.00 in nominal value
    through the subscription of up to 850,000,000 new shares. The Board of
    Directors shall determine more specifically how this increase will be
    executed, with reference to price and terms of payment. The current
    shareholders  shall be authorized to use their pre-emptive rights to
    subscription of the new shares. The authorisation is valid until
    01.09.2012, to   the extent that it has not then been exercised. 

    The Company has moved its premises from Fornubúðir 5 to the House of
    Commerce, Kringlan 7, 103 Reykjavík.  Proposal that the Articles of
    Association are 
    amended accordingly. 

    Proposal that shareholders may participate electronically in shareholders´
    meetings, including the casting of votes, without being physically present. 

    Proposal that the information on candidates for the Board of Directors
    shall be available at the Company's office no later than two days prior to
    the shareholders' meeting. 

    Proposal that the Articles of Association will be changed to the effect that
    the agenda of the AGM shall include a proposal of the Board of Directors on
    a remuneration policy. One week before an AGM, at the latest, the Board's
    proposal on the remuneration policy, shall be available for inspection by
    the shareholders at the company's office. 

10. Other business.

    The meeting will be held in English. 

    Proposals from shareholders which are to be submitted at the meeting shall
    have been received by the Board of Directors no later than seven days in
    advance in order to be taken for discussions.
    The agenda of the meeting, annual accounts and final proposals will be
    available to shareholders at the company's office at Kringlan 7, 103
    Reykjavík, seven days before the meeting.
    Ballots and other materials will be available at the venue of the meeting as
    well as at the company's office on the day of the meeting. 

Reykjavik 3 September 2007.
Alfesca hf. Board of Directors.