Sydbank: Minutes of extraordinary general meeting

OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen A/S
London Stock Exchange
Bourse de Luxembourg
Other stakeholders

Stock Exchange Announcement No 16/07

Group Executive Management
Peberlyk 4
PO Box 1038
DK-6200 Aabenraa

Tel +45 74 36 36 36
Fax +45 74 36 35 36

Sydbank A/S
CVR No DK 12626509, Aabenraa

Date	Direct tel +45 74 36 20 50
12 September 2007

Dear Sirs

Extraordinary General Meeting 

An Extraordinary General Meeting at Sydbank held today, adopted the proposals
submitted by the Board of Directors for a capital reduction as well as
amendments to the Articles of Association. 

The Bank's share capital will be reduced by DKK 25m nominal to DKK 675m
nominal. The capital reduction is effected through the repayment of a part of
the Bank's portfolio of own shares. It is expected that this capital reduction
will have been finally implemented in December 2007 - on expiry of the 3
months' notice. 

Yours faithfully
Mogens Asmund	
Group Executive Vice President


fm 16 uk.doc fm 16 uk.pdf