VINX Index Information: Adjustment of VINX Benchmark index due to Peab distribution of shares in Peab Industri (54/07)

Due to the Peab AB (PEAB B, SE0000106205) distribution of the shares in Peab Industri AB (1 Peab Industri AB series B : 1 Peab AB series B) with expected start of trading in the new shares on October 1, 2007, PEAB B will be adjusted in VINX Benchmark index according to the “Rules for the Construction and Maintenance of the VINX All-Share, Sector, Benchmark and Tradable Indices”, by applying rule 5.7.1 (exclusion method).

PEAB B will be excluded from index on the ex-day September 25, 2007. PEAB B will be re-included in index on September 26, 2007, under the condition that a price has been established on the ex-day.

