- Glitnir has completed the sale of FL Group shares

Glitnir banki hf. (Glitnir) has completed the sale of the shares FL Group
intends to issue as consideration for for a 39,8% share in Tryggingamiðstöðin
(TM), a transaction announced on September 17th. The shares were sold at the
price of ISK 24,3 per share as was announced earlier, the total price for the
sold shares consequently being ISK 20.38 billion. The transaction is subject to
approval of the share issuing by the FL Group shareholders' meeting, to be held
September 25th. 

Further information

Jóhannes Baldursson, Managing Director, Glitnir Capital Markets, Tel.
+354-844-4484, johannes.baldursson@glitnir.is 
Bjorn Richard Johansen, Managing Director, Glitnir Corporate Communications,
Tel. +4747 800 100, brj@glitnir.no