The Board's proposal for redemption of shares in Eniro

The Board's proposal for redemption of shares in Eniro

The Board of Directors of Eniro AB (publ) has today decided to propose that the
Extraordinary General Meeting resolves on a redemption program of about SEK
2,000 million.

- The Board proposes a redemption of every ninth share for SEK 99 per share
- Through the redemption, approximately SEK 2,000 million is proposed to be
transferred to the shareholders

The Board of Directors of Eniro AB (publ) has today established the conditions
for its proposal regarding redemption of shares to the Extraordinary General
Meeting to be held on October 9, 2007. According to the proposal, every ninth
share may be redeemed for SEK 99 in cash. For every share held in Eniro, one
redemption right will be received. Nine redemption rights entitle the holder to
redeem one share. Assuming full acceptance of the redemption offer,
approximately 20.1 million shares will be redeemed and approximately SEK 2,000
million will be transferred to the shareholders in Eniro. 

Time table (assuming the Extraordinary General Meeting's approval): 
- Last day of trading shares in Eniro, including redemption rights: October 9,
- First day of trading shares in Eniro, excluding redemption rights: October 10,
- Record date for receiving redemption rights: October 12, 2007 
- Information brochure and application form distributed: October 18, 2007 
- Application period: October 24 - November 19, 2007
- Trading in redemption rights on Stockholmsbörsen: October 24 - November 14,
- Payment of redemption amount is expected to be made at the latest by the end
December 2007 

A sale of up to 1,000 redemption rights free of commission will be provided
through Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ) (”Carnegie”) during October 24 -
November 8, 2007 following a specific application procedure. 

Shareholders who wish further information regarding the application procedure
may call Carnegie at +46 8 588 694 80.

The Board of Directors complete proposal has the following main topics: 
- The Board proposes that the Extraordinary General Meeting resolves on a
voluntary redemption program for repayment of a maximum amount of SEK
1,992,128,094 to the shareholders. 
- According to the Board's proposal, the Company's share capital will be reduced
with a maximum amount of SEK 20,122,506 to be repaid to the shareholders and at
the highest 20,122,506 shares will be redeemed. According to the proposal, the
remaining amount to be paid to the shareholders shall be transferred from
non-restricted reserve.
- To avoid an approval process with the Swedish Companies Registration Office,
the Board proposes that the Extraordinary General Meeting resolves on a
simultaneous bonus issue without issue of new shares.

For further information, see the attached Board of Directors' complete proposal,
the Board of Directors' report pursuant to Chapter 20, Section 8 of the Swedish
Companies Act, the Board of Directors' statement pursuant to Chapter 12, Section
7 and Chapter 20, Section 12 of the Swedish Companies Act, the auditor's report
on the Board of Directors' statement pursuant to Chapter 12, Section 7 and
Chapter 20, Section 12 of the Swedish Companies Act, the auditor's report
pursuant to Chapter 20, Section 8 and Chapter 20, Section 14, paragraph 1 of the
Swedish Companies Act on the Board of Directors' report pursuant to Chapter 20,
Section 8 and Chapter 20, Section 13, paragraph 4 of the Swedish Companies Act,
a copy of the annual report for 2006 and a copy of the auditor's report for

Time and place 
The Extraordinary General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 9 October 2007 at 10
a.m. (CET) at Näringslivets hus, Styrelserummet, Storgatan 19, Stockholm,
Sweden. The doors will open at 9 a.m. (CET).

Registration may take place by telephone to +46-8-553 310 38, by fax to
+46-8-585 097 25, by e-mail to or by mail to Eniro AB
(publ), Corporate Legal Affairs, SE-169 87 Stockholm, Sweden.

For further information: 
Joachim Jaginder, CFO, tel +46 8 553 310 15, +46 70 555 15 83 
Åsa Wallenberg, Investor Relations, tel: +46 70 361 34 09,

Eniro is the leading search company in the Nordic media market. Eniro makes it
easy to find people, businesses and products using directories, directory
assistance, Internet and mobile services. Eniro has operations in Sweden,
Norway, Finland, Denmark and Poland. 

Eniro is listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange and has some 5,000 employees. In
2006, revenues amounted to SEK 6,372 M, with EBITDA of SEK 2,220 M. Operating
revenues and EBITDA excluding discontinued operations.


Attachment 1_The board of directors complete proposal.pdf Attachment 2_The board of directors report pursuant to Swedish Companies Act 20.8.pdf Attachment 5_Auditors report pursuant to Swedish Companies Act 12.7 etc.pdf Attachment A_Interim report Eniro Q2 2007.pdf Attachment 3_The board of directors statement pursuant to Swedish Companies Act 12.7 and 20.12.pdf 09192099.pdf Attachment 4_Auditors report pursuant to Swedish Companies Act 20.8 etc.pdf Attachment B_press releases.pdf