Changes in AS Tallinna Vesi Supervisory Council members

At the meeting of the City Government on 19th September 2007 Tallinn City       
Government decided to appoint Deniss Boroditš, the Deputy Mayor of Tallinn, as a
new member of the Supervisory Council of AS Tallinna Vesi to replace Toivo

Deniss Boroditš received a Bachelor's Degree in Law Studies from International  
University Concordia in 2001. Starting from April of the current year he is     
working as a Deputy Mayor of Tallinn and his main fields of responsibility are  
municipal engineering services, infrastructure, road maintenance, heating,      
water, communication, environment protection, maintenance of parks and green    
areas, waste management, state defence, rescue and emergency services.          

As of today the members of AS Tallinna Vesi Supervisory Council are Robert John 
Gallienne (UU), David John Kilgour (UU), Henry Russell (EBRD), Joanne Bream
Rein Ratas (Tallinn City), Elmar Sepp (Tallinn City), Deniss Boroditš (Tallinn  
City), Helo Meigas (independent) and Valdur Laid (independent).                 

Eteri Harring                                                                   
Head of Treasury and Investor Relations                                         
Ph: + 372 6262 225