Lennart Bernard new CFO of IBS

Lennart Bernard new CFO of IBS

IBS has appointed Lennart Bernard as the new CFO of IBS AB (OMX STO:IBS).
Lennart Bernard was formerly employed as CFO of Scribona and Eniro and will
assume the position at IBS on December 1, 2007.

Lennart Bernard is 57 years old and has experience from specialist roles and
positions within corporate management in such companies as Esselte, Cap Gemini,
Scribona and Eniro. 

“The recruitment of a new CFO is an important strengthening of IBS's corporate
management. With his solid experience from international companies within
industry, distribution and IT, Lennart Bernard will play a key part in the
restructuring work currently in progress,” says Erik Heilborn, President and CEO
of IBS AB.

“I look forward to participating in the development of IBS toward further
specialization and internationalization. The company has a solid platform upon
which it can continue to build, with an extensive customer base and a strong
offering within distribution and supply chain management,” says Lennart Bernard,
incoming CFO of IBS AB.

Lennart Bernard is a graduate of the Stockholm School of Economics. 

For further information, contact:

Erik Heilborn, President and CEO, IBS AB
Mobile: +46 (0)70 242 52 30

John Womack, SVP Communications & IR, IBS AB
Mobile: +46 (0)70 678 24 99

Lennart Bernard, incoming CFO, IBS AB
Mobile: +45 2926 1776

IBS AB (OMX STO:IBS) is a leading provider of business systems for supply chain
management, demand-driven manufacturing, customer administration and financial
control. IBS's primary focus is large and mid-sized distributors as well as
sales and manufacturing companies in international groups. IBS offers industry
solutions in such areas as pharmaceutical distribution, the automotive industry,
electronics, paper, publishing and a number of local niches. For further
information, visit www.ibs.net

