Extraordinary general meeting

On 1 October 2007 at 10.30 Totalkredit A/S will hold an extraordinary general
meeting (EGM). The EGM will be held at the company's offices at Helgeshøj Allé
53, DK-2630 Taastrup. 

The only item on the agenda is:

Election of member to the Board of Directors.

The agenda for the EGM is available for review by the shareholders at the
company's offices. 

According to art 7.5 of the Articles of Association, shareholders are entitled
to attend the general meeting provided that notice of attendance has been given
to the company at least five days before the meeting. 

Please note that Nykredit Realkredit A/S will hold all shares in the company at
the time of the general meeting. 

Taastrup, 21 September 2007

The Board of Directors

Totalkredit A/S


extraordinary general meeting.pdf