SEK successful in challenging global bond market

SEK, AB Svensk Exportkredit, has issued an USD 1.25 billion 3 year
global bond. The transaction was very successful and quickly
oversubscribed by European, Middle Eastern, American and Asian

Originally the bond amount was scheduled at USD 1 billion but in
order to meet the high demand from the market SEK decided to increase
the issue with another USD 250 million.

- We noticed a substantial interest from the market for SEK bonds, an
interest that exceeded our initial expectations. Our borrowing has
been more successful this year than ever before. This gains our
customers since SEK even in times of turmoil can offer them long-term
financial solutions, says Peter Yngwe, President SEK.

For further information please contact Peter Yngwe, President SEK,
+46 8 613 83 00, or Johan Winlund, Head of Communications, +46 8 613
84 88.

SEK's mission is to secure access to financial solutions for export
and infrastructure. SEK offers a wide spectrum of financial
solutions, ranging from standardized loans to innovative and complex
financial products. SEK's operations are based on commercial
interests. SEK's main source of financing is the issuing of bonds on
the international capital markets. SEK's rating from Standard &
Poor's and Moody's are AA+/Aa1 respectively for long-term debt. For
more information, visit


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