Information related to AS Viisnurk in the trading system:

Issuer's full name  -  AS Viisurk
Issuer's short name - VSN
Instrument and orderbook short name - VSN1T
Orderbook number - 42854
List - Main List
Minimum quantity - 1
Standard quantity - 1000
Number of listed shares 4,499,061
ISIN - EE3100092503

In the beginning of the trading period the reference price is 4.44  EUR (69.47
EEK) and the reference limits are +15% (5.10 EUR) and -15% (3.78 EUR). The
reference price is calculated as the difference between VNU1T last (September
13, 2007) closing price (6,31 EUR) and TPD1T today's closing price (1,87 EUR). 

Opening call (CLIN) between 9:45 and 10:00:

- Reference limits will not be changed.

Trading period between 10:00 and 13:50:

- Should the best bid price reach the upper reference limit +15%
(5,10 EUR) or the lower reference limit -15% (3,78 EUR), the stock
exchange will suspend trading for reference limit adjustment by the
decision of managing director of Tallinn Stock Exchange.

- The stock exchange will publish an announcement stating the new
reference limits and the trading will be resumed with the 10-minute
call interaction (CLIN). The limits will be changed using 10%

- Should the best bid price or the best ask price reach the new
reference limits, the above-mentioned actions will be repeated.

During the first trading day it is recommended to use “Limit
Orders” especially during the first trading day to avoid trading at
unfavorable price. Should investors use "Market Price Orders", they
are advised to be very cautious and to have the comprehensive real-
time overview of the current market situation.

Tallinn Stock Exchange
Market Services
+372 640 8800