Concerning removal of Alytaus Tekstile AB securities from the Secondary List

On August 27, 2007 the Board meeting  of the Vilnius Stock Exchange 
(hereinafter referred to as  the VSE) adopted a decision to remove on September
10 the shares of  Alytaus Tekstile AB from the Secondary List of the VSE
provided that the decision of the Kaunas District Court of August  23, 2007
initiating bankruptcy proceedings to Alytaus Tekstile AB comes into effect.

Since a separate appeals were lodged from August 31, 2007 till September 13,
2007 against the decision of the Kaunas District Court of August 23, 2007
(Civil file No.B2-1010-555/2007), the decision of the VSE Board to remove on
September 10 the shares of Alytaus Tekstile AB from the Secondary List of the
VSE has not come into effect. 

In the light of the facts stated above, the VSE Board is going to consider the
issue regarding the delisting of the shares of Alytaus Tekstile AB from the
Secondary List of the VSE after the separate appeals against the legality and
legitimacy of the decision of the Kaunas District Court of August 23, 2007 have
been considered. 

Market Services Department
(+370 5) 272 14 06