Trading in AS Kalev shares (KLV1T) will be resumed today, on
September 24, 2007 at 10.30.

Trading will start with call interaction (CLIN) from 10.10-10.30.

The AGM of the shareholders allowed AS Kalev to acquire treasury shares at a
price of 29 kroons per share in 12 months after passing of the resolution. 

As the share buy-back of the company will presumably result in
a significant change in the price of the share, the reference price of the
share will be risen from 1,16 EUR to 1,85 EUR (29 EEK). The upper reference
limit will be +15% (2,12 EUR) and the lower reference limit -15%  (1,58 EUR). 

All previously entered orders will be cancelled.

Tallinn Stock Exchange
Market Services
+372 640 8800