- Merger of Materia Invest and Icon

Following the confirmation of the merger of Materia Invest ehf. and Icon ehf.,
Materia Invest will assume all assets and obligations of Icon.  Icon's entire
share capital in FL Group hf., a total of 448,487,889 shares, will therefore be
transferred to Materia Invest.  After the transfer, Materia Invest will hold
852,899,654 shares in FL Group, or 10.74% of all outstanding shares. 

Materia Invest and Icon are owned by the same parties.  Magnús Ármann,
Thorsteinn M. Jónsson and Kevin Stanford each hold a third of all outstanding
shares in Materia Invest and Icon.  Actual ownership has therefore not changed
following the merger. 

Thorsteinn M. Jónsson  is the vice-chairman of the Board of Directors of FL
Group, and Magnús Ármann is a member of the Board of Directors of FL Group. 
Kevin Stanford is not a member nor an alternate member of FL Group's Board of
Directors.  Thorsteinn M. Jónsson holds 24,771,499 shares in FL Group through
forward agreements. Following the merger, other financially related parties
hold 90,000,000 shares in FL Group.  In addition, Sólmon ehf. bought
123,456,791 shares on September 17, 2007, subject to approval by the FL Group
shareholders meeting of the intended issue of new shares.  The issue of new
shares has been approved, but the new shares have not listed with the OMX Stock