11,72 % of AB Vilkyškių pieninė shares will be sold for foreign investors

The only specialized cheese producer in Lithuania AB Vilkyškių pieninė
increases free float of shares. In the sale process current shareholders will
sell more than 15% of Company's shares. This week foreign institutional
investors in block trades will acquire total of 11,72% of total shares.
Additionally more than 5% of shares will be sold to the local investors in an
auction on the Stock Exchange. 

“We invest in this company because of strong fundamentals and experienced
management, and we believe in company‘s future. The acquisition of block of
shares is our long-term investment“, - says Alo Kullamaa, the manager of SEB
Lux Eastern European ex-Russia Fund. The fund will be the largest institutional
investor controlling 5% of the shares. 

According to Karolis Rūkas, Head of corporate finance at Orion Securities, the
organizer of the sale, there was a strong demand from the investors. For such
large share block the institutional investors were given a discounted price to
current market price. The shares sold belong to children of Mr. Gintaras

“The new investors will diversify the shareholder base and will increase the
liquidity and trade turnover. We also expect as high demand during the
auction”, - told the main shareholder, founder and general manager Mr. Gintaras

During the Initial Public Offering (IPO) in May 2006 the main shareholders sold
10% of total shares outstanding. More than 390 new investors participated in
the IPO. 

Since IPO the return for investors amounted to 20% (together with dividends),
total turnover of trade was 6,5 million Lt. In 2006 company‘s sales amounted
and 116 mLTL and net profit to 4 mLTL. 

More information: www.cheese.lt/investuotojams.
Contact information:

Gintaras Bertašius, General manager, AB Vilkyškių pieninė
Mob. +370 655 55001

Karolis Rūkas, Head of Corporate Finance, Orion Securities
Mob. +370 699 78805