Lambi supports Pink Ribbon


Lambi supports Pink Ribbon 

During October month the Nordic consumers can support work against breast
cancer by choosing pink toilet paper and handkerchief. Metsä Tissue donates for
the Pink ribbon campaign in the Nordic countries 10 cents for each sold pack of
Lambi Satin pink toilet paper and 5 cents for each sold pink pack of

Pink ribbon is an international initiative to raise awareness and collect funds
for breast cancer research. The campaign is active in over 40 countries each
year during October month and it is symbolized by the pink silk ribbon. 

Last year Lambi participated the Pink ribbon campaign in Sweden and Norway and
donated over 60.000 euros for work against breast cancer. This year Finland and
Denmark are also included and target is to collect 100.000 euros. The donation
will be directed to each country's cancer foundation. 

"Pink ribbon campaign is targeted especially towards grown up women - the key
target group of Lambi. We hope that the pink packages in the shops will remind
the consumers about the campaign and that as many people as possible want to
support the campaign. Regardless of the campaign result we will donate funds
for the research." Explains Niklas Lindström, Lambi Brand Marketing Manager. 

The pink Lambi Satin toilet paper holds the Nordic Swan ecolabel like the other
Lambi products. The pink Lambi Satin toilet paper and handkerchief packages are
available only during the campaign period in October. 

For more information please contact;
Niklas Lindström, International Brand Marketing Manager, Lambi, tel. +46 501
275 000 
Piia Rysä, Metsä Tissue, Communications Manager, tel. +358 10 469 5149