- FL Group increases shareholdings in Commerzbank

FL Group, the international investment company, today announces that it has
increased its shareholding in Commerzbank AG and now holds 4.25% of share
capital. Before the transaction, the holding was 3.24%. As of 25 September, the
total market value of the holding, equals ISK 68.9 billion, approximately EUR
790 million. 

The interest is held and financed through derivative instruments and available

Commerzbank has delivered good results in the first half of the year and
expects to meet its financial targets for the full year. The improved return on
equity is expected to continue which makes the bank an interesting investment

Further information:
Halldor Kristmannsson
Managing Director of Corporate Communication & IR
Tel. +354 669 4476	
E-mail: halldor@flgroup.is

About FL Group

FL Group is an international investment company focusing on two areas of
investment. The majority of its operations are run through the Private Equity
and Strategic Investment division which can take stakes in listed and private
companies as well as lead private equity buy-outs. The Capital Markets division
is a proprietary trading desk focused on taking short-term positions for
profits in primarily equities, bonds and currencies. 

With head office in Reykjavik and offices in London and Copenhagen, FL Group
invests in companies worldwide, with a special focus on Europe. FL Group is
listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange in Reykjavik (OMX: FL). At the end of the
second quarter 2007, FL Group's total assets amounted to ISK 319.6 billion (EUR
3.8 billion). Its market capitalisation at the end of June 2007 was ISK 234.4
billion (EUR 2.8 billion). 

The largest shareholders of FL Group are Oddaflug BV (20.8%), owned by Hannes
Smarason, CEO; Gnupur fjárfestingafélag hf. (20.5%), Baugur Group (19.6%),
Materia Invest and Sólmon (11.9%). The shareholding can in some cases be in the
name of Icelandic financial institutions because of forward contracts. More
information on www.flgroup.is