Catena convenes Extraordinary General Meeting for election of new Board of Directors

Catena convenes Extraordinary General Meeting for election of new Board of

Catena's Board of Directors has received a written request from representatives
of CLS Holding plc, Erik Selin Fastigheter AB and Catella Fonder, which combined
hold more than 60 percent of all shares outstanding in the company, to convene
an Extraordinary General Meeting for election of a new Board of Directors. The
request reflects the major changes in the ownership structure that have occurred
recently, in which CLS Holding plc and Erik Selin Fastigheter AB have acquired
approximately 50 percent of the shares. Accordingly, the Board has decided to
convene an Extraordinary General Meeting. Notice is being published October 1,
2007 in Svenska Dagbladet and the Swedish Official Gazette (Post och Inrikes
Tidningar) as well as on the company's website. The Meeting will be held on
October 16, 2007, in Gothenburg, Sweden.

“It is favorable that Catena's largest shareholders now assume positions on the
company's Board,” says Board Chairman Curt Lönnström. “That is the way it should
be in an exchange-listed company. We members of the outgoing Board of Directors
extend thanks for the confidence shown us since the listing and wish Catena and
the new Board of Directors all future success.”

For further information, contact Board Chairman Curt Lönnström, +46 (0)705-91 50

Catena shall own, effectively manage and actively develop commercial real estate
in prime locations that offers the potential to generate steadily growing cash
flow and favorable value growth. Catena's overriding objective is to provide
shareholders with a favorable, long-term total return by being one of the
leading players involved in commercial real estate in a number of strategic

