- Auction Result RIKV 08 0103

Today at 11:00 the National Debt Management Agency (NDMA) auctioned Treasury
Bills in series RIKV 08 0103. In this auction the offered amount ranged from
ISK 2,500 to 5,000 million nominal value. 

Yield is calculated as a simple interest rate based on the Actual/360 day rule. 

The main results of the auction were:

Number of bids in RIKV 08 0103 were 26, amounting to ISK 8,250 million nominal
value. Bids were accepted for ISK 3,550 million nominal value with average
yield of 14.055%. Highest accepted yield was 14.117% and lowest accepted yield
was 13.952%. 

The auction results for previous Treasury Bill auctions are the following
(nominal value): See attachment.


nidurstodur - enska.pdf