Extraordinary General Meeting of Cencorp Corporation, held on September 27,     
2007, decided issues related to strengthening of working capital and            
shareholders equity of the company                                              

1.1. Directed Share Issue (Members of the Board of Directors and the Management 

Extraordinary General Meeting decided as proposed by the Board of Directors that
the Company offers for subscription minimum of 2,000,000 and maximum of         
4,000,000 new shares in deviation of the shareholders' pre-emptive subscription 
right to the members of the Board of Directors and the Management Group of the  

The subscription price of each new share is EUR 0.34. The subscription price of 
the shares is recorded entirely to the fund of invested non-restricted equity.  

1.2. Amending the terms and conditions of Cencorp Corporation Convertible       
Capital Notes 2006                                                              

Extraordinary General Meeting decided as proposed by the Board of Directors that
the terms and conditions of the loan are amended as follows:                    

The conversion rate of the loan is amended so that the conversion rate is equal 
to the average trading price of the shares of the Company during the 10 trading 
days prior to subscription of shares. The minimum conversion rate is EUR 0.34   
and the maximum conversion rate is EUR 0.70. If all holders of the loan exercise
their right to subscribe the shares in full, the number of shares in the Company
is increased by minimum of 8.198.582 shares and maximum of 16.879.433 shares.   
The subscription price of the shares is recorded entirely to the fund of        
invested non-restricted equity.                                                 

at Lohja, 27 September 2007                                                     

Cencorp Corporation                                                             

BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                              

For further information please contact:                                         
Ville Parpola                                                                   
Vice President, Legal Affairs                                                   
+358-40-772 64 84                                                               

Cencorp develops and supplies automation solutions to the electronics and       
semiconductor industry that enhance productivity.                               

Helsinki Stock Exchanges                                                        
Main media                                                                                                                              

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