Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of City Service AB (code 123905633)

The extraordinary general meeting of City Service AB (code 123905633)
Shareholders will be held at „Europa“ business center, Konstitucijos pr. 7 (4
floor), Vilnius,  Lithuania, at at 9.00 a.m.on the 
29 of October 2007.

Proposed Agenda:
1. Approval of the audit company 
2. Establishment of payment terms for the audit services

The meeting is convened by initiative of the Board and following the decision 
of the Board.

Shareholders can get familiarised with the documents related to the agenda of
the Meeting at the headquarters of City Service AB, Smolensko st. 12 (3 floor),
Vilnius, Lithuania. 

Vilius Mackonis,
Public relations spokesperson
+370 655 511 01