The Baltic Market on the Nordic Exchange to reduce fees for members

OMX exchanges in Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius have reviewed their fee structure to
improve Baltic Market and to reduce commission fees for their members. New
commission fees for transactions concluded on the stock exchanges that will be
applied as of January 1, 2008, are reviewed to harmonize their structure and
amount on the Baltic market on the Nordic Exchange. 

Fee on manual trades will be reduced from 0.05% (in Tallinn from 0.04%) to
0.03% calculated from the value of the trade and maximum fee per one manual
trade will be harmonized to EUR 140 (except in Riga the maximum fee will remain
at current level of EUR 42). The fee for trades executed in Automatch market
will be reduced in Riga and Vilnius stock exchanges from 0.05% to 0.045%, while
the fee for such trades in Tallinn stock exchange will remain unchanged and
will total 0.015%. A minimum fee per executed order will be introduced, which
will amount to equivalent of approx. EUR 0.30 in local currency. Though for the
investors trading costs still depend on members' price lists. 

The amount of pan-Baltic transactions is rapidly increasing and thus enables
the Baltic Market to harmonize fees as well. Current review of the structure of
the fees is the first step of such harmonization, which will be definitely
continued in the future. 

Tallinn Stock Exchange
Market Services
+372 640 8800