On 30 September 2007, ten years will have passed since the stocks of AS Harju
Elekter were first quoted on the Tallinn Stock Exchange. As a result of
systematic development, Harju Elekter (henceforward Group) has become one of
the leading producers of electrical equipment and materials. The Group has
expanded to Lithuania as well as Finland. 

During these years, the sales volume of the Group has grown by a factor of six
and its profit by a factor of five. As a result of market price, the growth of
shareholder's investment value has grown by a factor of five, as of today,
constituting an average annual rate of return of 17%. A consistent dividend
policy has guaranteed shareholders stable, increasing income from dividends,
while at the same time growing the company's equity and retaining good credit

The management of Harju Elekter believes active development, venturous
investment and effective expansion to be of great importance. The key to our
success has been reliable co-operation with our clients, shareholders and our
loyal and developing staff. 

A survey of the figures covering the activity of AS Harju Elekter over the last
10 years can be found at the address: 

Andres Allikmäe
Chairman of Management Board
6747 400