Divestment of the business segment Comfort Ventilation & Technique

Dantherm A/S has today signed an agreement to sell all shares in Glenco A/S and
its subsidiaries Venair A/S and AB Venair. The companies constitute all the
Dantherm Group's activities in the business segment Comfort Ventilation &
Technique. The purchaser is a consortium consisting of executive employees of
Glenco A/S and Industri Udvikling II K/S. 

The divestment is a consequence of the Dantherm Group's strategic plan to focus
on industrial air filtration activities. The Group's other two business
segments, Products for Air Handling and Process Ventilation are global
industrial enterprises with their own product portfolios within industrial air
filtration. The Comfort Ventilation & Technique activities comprise contracting
and service activities, primarily in the Danish market. 

The selling price of the activities corresponds approximately to the carrying
amount including goodwill in Dantherm A/S. The agreed takeover date is 1
October 2007. The agreement is unconditional and no further investigation of
the companies by the purchaser is pending.  Dantherm A/S assumes no guarantees
or indemnities after the completion of the sale. 

The divestment of the Comfort Ventilation & Technique segment does not affect
the Dantherm Group's profit forecast for the year. The profit before tax is
thus expected to be within the range stated in the interim report for Dantherm
A/S released on 22 August 2007. 

