Panostaja Oyj		Stock Exchange Bulletin, 3rd October 2007                        


Panostaja Oyj, a Finnish multi-sector holding company, will establish a new     
mechanical engineering company on the stock exchange based on its               
entrepreneur-driven business model. The new public limited company will be named
Takoma Oyj. In order to launch its operations, Takoma Oyj will acquire the share
capital in Hervannan Koneistus Oy and the business of Tampereen Laatukoneistus  
Oy, provided that the Extraordinary General Meeting of Suomen Helasto Oyj       
accepts the proposals made by the company's Board of Directors to this effect.  

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Suomen Helasto Oyj, a subsidiary of        
Panostaja Oyj, will be held on 17th October at 10am EET. If the Extraordinary   
General Meeting accepts the proposals made today by the company's Board of      
Directors (Appendix 1), Suomen Helasto Oyj will become a mechanical engineering 
parent company named Takoma Oyj, will sell its current operating companies to   
Panostaja Oyj and will acquire the share capital in Hervannan Koneistus Oy and  
the business of Tampereen Laatukoneistus Oy.                                    

Panostaja Oyj's holding in the share capital of Suomen Helasto Oyj stands at    
95.41%. Panostaja Oyj will vote in favour of the proposals made today by Suomen 
Helasto Oyj's Board of Directors to the Extraordinary General Meeting. In       
addition, Panostaja Oyj has undertaken to sell Tampereen Laatukoneistus Oy's    
business to Suomen Helasto Oyj, provided that the Board's proposals to the EGM  
are accepted.                                                                   

‘Global mechanical engineering companies are searching for partners capable of  
assuming greater responsibility for their processes and developing their        
operations. At the same time, a large number of subcontracting workshops are    
seeking solutions to safeguard their continuity as entrepreneurs are getting    
older. This is the opportunity that we have decided to seize,' explains         
Panostaja CEO Juha Sarsama.                                                     

The new mechanical engineering group will be headed by Hervannan Koneistus Oy's 
Managing Director Kimmo Korhonen, MSc (Technology), who will also become a major
shareholder in the company. Mr. Korhonen has previously worked as Managing      
Director of ATA Gears Oy and in various managerial positions at Metso Minerals. 
‘The new mechanical engineering group is well positioned for strong growth.     
Systems and turnkey deliveries and high productivity, combined with             
specialisation, internationalisation and participation in the industry's R&D are
the key success factors for Finnish mechanical engineering,' says Mr. Korhonen. 

Aiming at three industries                                                      

Takoma Oyj will comprise three industries. The hydraulics industry will be set  
up around Tampereen Laatukoneistus Oy, acquired by Panostaja in the summer of   
2007. The subcontracting industry will be based on a company specialising in    
machining of demanding workpieces, called Hervannan Koneistus Oy, acquisition of
which is underway now. In the near future, the third industry will focus on     
manufacturing the company's own technology products. ‘The three industries will 
balance out cyclical fluctuations and local market risks, while also bringing   
significant synergies. The mechanical engineering group will also be further    
developed through future business acquisitions,' Mr. Korhonen explains.         

Hervannan Koneistus Oy's projected net turnover and operating profit for the    
financial period ending 30th September 2007 will be about EUR 11 million and EUR
1.4 million, respectively, with 45 people on the payroll. Tampereen             
Laatukoneistus Oy's actual net turnover and operating profit for the financial  
year to 30th April 2007 were about EUR 6 million and EUR 0.7 million,           
respectively, and it also employed 45 people.                                   

The principal shareholders aim to increase Takoma Group's net turnover to the   
order of EUR 100 million within a period of five years. The targets for         
operating profit margin, equity ratio and return on investment are more than    
10%, more than 40% and more than 20%, respectively. Following disposal of Suomen
Helasto Oyj's operating companies and acquisition of Hervannan Koneistus Oy,    
Takoma Oyj's equity and cash reserves will amount to about EUR 20 million and   
more than EUR 10 million, respectively.                                         

Following the restructuring, Panostaja's holding in Takoma Oyj will drop to     
79.2%. Kimmo Korhonen's share will be 17.0% and other shareholders will own the 
remaining 3.8%. In total, Takoma has about 140 shareholders. According to the   
rules of the Helsinki Stock Exchange, the proportion of free-floating shares    
must be no less than 25% and the number of shareholders must be sufficient. Over
the next two (2) years, Takoma Oyj intends to make arrangements with a view to  
fulfilling the above-mentioned requirements of the Helsinki Stock Exchange. Such
arrangements may include business acquisitions through share exchange           
arrangements, one or more share issues, sale of shares by principal             
shareholders, or other similar measures.                                        

PANOSTAJA OYJ                                                                   

Juha Sarsama                                                                    

This stock exchange bulletin is a translation of the original Finnish stock     
exchange bulletin September 27,2007                                             

For further information, please contact Mr. Juha Sarsama, mobile +358 (0)40 774 
2099, and Mr. Kimmo Korhonen, mobile +358 (0)40 430 6482.                       

Appendix 1                                                                      

‘Suomen Helasto Oyj     Stock Exchange Bulletin, 3rd October 2007 


Suomen Helasto Oyj's Extraordinary General Meeting will be held on Wednesday,   
17th October 2007, starting at 10am EET, in the company's offices at Keskuskatu 
18 in Seinäjoki, Finland. The EGM will discuss the following proposals by the   
Board of Directors:                                                             

1. Disposal of operating companies                                              

The company's Board of Directors proposes that the Board be authorised to sell  
the company's operating subsidiaries - i.e. Lukkoexpert Security Oy, Seinäjoen  
Rakennustarvike ja Lukko Oy, Suomen Helakeskus Oy, Helsingin Laaturuuvi Oy,     
Porin Pultti Oy and Ruuvipojat Oy - as well as other subsidiaries - Pulapotti   
Oy, Suomen Turvaurakointi Oy and Helakiinteistöt Oy - to Panostaja Oyj or its   
subsidiaries at current market value and otherwise as per terms and conditions  
as deemed most suitable by the Board.                                           

2. Amendments to Articles 1, 2 and 3 of the Articles of Association             

The Board of Directors proposes that the Extraordinary General Meeting amend    
Article 1 of the Articles of Association as follows:                            

“The business name of the Company is Takoma Oyj and its registered office is    
located in Tampere, Finland.”                                                   

The Board of Directors proposes that the Extraordinary General Meeting amend    
Article 2 of the Articles of Association as follows:                            

“The Company's field of activity shall be to design, develop, sell and          
manufacture components for the mechanical engineering, machine construction,    
vehicle and automation industries and to provide related services on a global   
scale, either directly or through its subsidiaries or associates.               

“As a parent company, the Company may also attend to the Group's organisation,  
financing, purchases and other such joint duties and may also own real estate,  
shares and holdings, and engage in securities trading and other investment      

The Board of Directors proposes that the Extraordinary General Meeting amend    
Article 3 of the Articles of Association as follows:                            

“The Company's minimum and maximum share capital shall be EUR 600,000.00 and EUR
60,000,000.00 respectively, within the limits of which share capital may be     
increased or decreased without amending the Articles of Association. The nominal
value of a share shall be six cents (EUR 0.06).”                                

3. Authorisation to the Board of Directors to decide on an increase in share    

The Board of Directors proposes that the Extraordinary General Meeting revoke   
the authorisation granted to the Board at the Annual General Meeting held on    
19th December 2006 to decide on an increase in share capital through a new share
issue. The Board of Directors proposes that the Extraordinary General Meeting   
authorise the Board to decide on issuing a maximum of 10,000,000 new shares at a
nominal price of EUR 0.06 each either against payment or free of charge (‘share 
issue authorisation'). The share capital increase must not exceed EUR           

New shares may be issued to the company's shareholders in the proportion of     
their existing holdings of the company's shares or through a share issue        
disapplying the shareholders' pre-emption rights, if there is a significant     
financial reason to do so from the company's point of view.                     

The Board of Directors proposes that the Extraordinary General Meeting authorise
the Board, within the limits of the aforementioned authorisation, to issue a    
maximum of 2,662,925 new company shares for subscription by Mr. Kimmo Korhonen, 
a shareholder in Hervannan Koneistus Oy, disapplying the shareholders'          
pre-emption rights, on condition that Mr. Korhonen pays the subscription price  
by conveying his shares in Hervannan Koneistus Oy to the company.               

The subscription price of new shares and the amount payable for the own shares  
will be recorded in share capital and in the invested non-restricted equity     

The share issue authorisation will be valid for two years as from the date of   
the decision.                                                                   

4. Acquisition of the Tampereen Laatukoneistus Oy business                      

The Board of Directors proposes that the company's Board be authorised to       
purchase the business of Tampereen Laatukoneistus Oy on behalf of the company or
on behalf of a subsidiary fully owned by the company at current value and       
otherwise as per other terms and conditions as deemed most suitable by the      

5. Publication of invitations to General Meetings of Shareholders               

The Board of Directors proposes that the newspaper referred to in Article 9 of  
the Articles of Association, where invitations to General Meetings of           
Shareholders will be published from now on, be Aamulehti.                       

6. Election of members to the Board of Directors                                

The Board of Directors proposes that its membership be brought up to the level  
specified in Article 6 of the Articles of Association, since, of its current    
members, Mr. Olli Halmevuo has resigned his position as a Board member and Mr.  
Tapio Tommila has indicated that he will not be continuing on the Board after   
the Extraordinary General Meeting. A number of shareholders, representing at    
least 10% of votes carried by the company's shares, have notified the Board that
they will propose that the EGM elect Mr. Juha Sarsama, a CEO from Tampere, and  
Mr. Kimmo Korhonen, a Managing Director from Tampere, as new Board members.     

7. Other notifications                                                          

The Board of Directors will provide information on any more specific terms and  
conditions relating to the aforementioned points 1 through 4 to be proposed to  
the Extraordinary General Meeting no later than 10th October 2007.              

Participation in the Annual General Meeting is open to shareholders whose names 
appear on the Shareholder Register kept by Finnish Central Securities Depository
Ltd. no later than 5th October 2007. Shareholders whose shares have been        
registered in their book-entry accounts have also been entered into the         
Shareholder Register. Holders of nominee-registered shares may be entered       
temporarily into the Shareholder Register for the purpose of participating in   
the Extraordinary General Meeting no later than ten days prior to the meeting.  
Entries into the Shareholder Register must be made no later than 5th October    

Shareholders wishing to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting are required to
notify the company of their registration in advance, no later than 12 noon EET  
on Tuesday, 16th October 2007, in writing to Mr. Veli Ollila/Panostaja Oyj, P.O.
Box 783, FI-33101 Tampere, Finland, by fax to +358 (0)3 263 4343, or by phoning 
Ms. Sari Tapiola on +358 (0)3 263 4300. Notification letters or faxes must      
arrive prior to expiration of the registration period. It is requested that any 
possible proxies be delivered at the same time as registration.                 

The Board's proposals will be made available for shareholders' inspection at    
Suomen Helasto Oyj's headquarters (address above) a week prior to the meeting.  
Shareholders will be sent copies of these documents on request.                 

Seinäjoki, 27th September 2007                                                  

BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SUOMEN HELASTO OYJ                                        

Further information:                                                            
Mr. Veli Ollila, Chairman of the Board, mobile +358 (0)50 305 5075.'