Søndagsavisen a-s reduces its expectations

4 October 2007                                                                  
Company announcement no. 16-07                                                  

Søndagsavisen a-s further reduces the expectations for revenue and profit for   
The adjustment is primarily due to lower prices, a smaller market and higher    
salary expenses in relation to distribution of unaddressed printed matter.      

Expectations for revenue in 2007 are reduced with DKK 50-100 million to DKK     
1,650-1,700 million                                                             
Expectations for the profit before tax in 2007 are reduced with DKK 80 million  
to DKK 20-40 million                                                            

The company's distribution business is under severe price pressure from Post    
Danmark at the same time as the market for distribution of unaddressed printed  
matter is smaller than previously expected. Furthermore, salary costs to the    
distribution corps are increasing, not least due to the generally high          
employment in Denmark.                                                          

As a direct consequence of the highly unsatisfactory development in the result  
of the Group's Danish distribution activities, a number of initiatives have been
launched. The initiatives include among other things restructurings in the      
management of the Group's distribution activities, as stated in company         
announcement no. 15-07 on 25 September 2007. The adjustment includes one offs   
related thereto.                                                                

Furthermore, an increasingly negative development in the market for retail      
advertising is showing where Søndagsavisen has lost market shares due to        
intensified price competition primarily from the free dailies. Søndagsavisen    
seeks to meet this competition by splitting Søndagsavisen's regional editions to
a larger number of smaller sub-regions in order to thus be able to offer the    
customers a more flexible advertising pattern.                                  

Søndagsavisen's and OFiR's initiatives in the job advertisement market are      
overall developing according to plan. The growth in print advertisements in     
Søndagsavisen is higher than expected whereas the Internet advertising on OFiR  
is lower. Søndagsavisen a-s maintains the aim to create the leading marketplace 
for recruitment of vacancies.                                                   

For additional information please contact Mads Dahl Andersen, CEO, phone: + 45  
39 57 75 00.                                                                    

Yours sincerely                                                                 
Søndagsavisen a-s                                                               

Mads Dahl Andersen