Stora Enso best paper company in the Climate Disclosure Leadership Index

Stora Enso has been ranked the best paper and forest products company in the
Nordic region regarding carbon emission disclosure. Stora Enso is included in
the Carbon Disclosure Project's first Nordic report listing top companies that
demonstrate best in class practices in climate change strategy and reporting
greenhouse gas emissions. Overall, Stora Enso comes in fourth place on the
Climate Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI) among carbon-intensive companies in
the Nordic countries. 

“Developing a good carbon footprint is the first step in defining business case
opportunities to reduce emissions and meet our stakeholders´ expectations”,
says Jim Weinbauer, Senior Vice President of Stora Enso Environment. 

The Nordic report was launched yesterday in Stockholm, Sweden. The report
includes 125 of the largest listed companies in Denmark, Finland, Norway and
Sweden. Stora Enso has participated in the Carbon Disclosure Project since

The Carbon Disclosure Project is an independent non-profit organisation that is
backed by 315 institutional investors with a combined USD 41 trillion of
assets. The project gathers information on business risks and opportunities
related to climate change, and has set a standard for carbon disclosure
methodology and process. In 2007, The Carbon Disclosure Project asked the
world's 2 400 largest companies to provide information on carbon emissions,
response to climate change impact, use of energy and future plans. 

For further information, please contact:
Eija Pitkänen, Vice President, Sustainability Communications and CSR, tel. +358
2046 21348 
Jim Weinbauer, Senior Vice President, Director, Stora Enso Environment, tel.
+46 1046 71712