Linköping next for Sweden's best IT consultant - HiQ continues to expand with new office in the Östergötland region

Linköping next for Sweden's best IT consultant   - HiQ continues to expand with
new office in the Östergötland region

HiQ is establishing an operation in Linköping. HiQ is already working with
high-tech clients in the region, and setting up an office to provide those
clients with better service and recruit new employees is a natural next step.

“We are seeing increased demand from clients who are based in Linköping and its
environs. As a result, we also see good opportunities to continue to grow and
gain market share. Some of our largest clients are located in the region, and
about 15 HiQ consultants are already engaged in projects here,” says HiQ
President and CEO Lars Stugemo.

Anders Karén, Vice President of Operations at HiQ International, is supervising
the creation of the new HiQ company. 

“Establishing an office in the region is an important step in our expansion, and
our aim is to always deliver the best possible quality and service to our
clients,” says Karén. We expect to have about 30 consultants working here within
a year.”

“HiQ is a leading IT and management consultancy with three focus areas:
communication, software development and simulation with the Nordic region as the
domestic market. Linköping will become our 10th office in total, and the 6th in
Sweden”, says Lars Stugemo.

The so-called “fourth big-city region”, which is based around Linköping and
Norrköping, is a growth region in which the University and the Institute of
Technology serve as key catalysts for new companies and technological
innovation. Numerous high-tech companies with a focus on defence and
telecommunications have long been established in the region. Linköping is
Sweden's fifth largest city, with a little over 138,000 inhabitants. 

HiQ was named Sweden's best IT consulting firm 2007 in the yearly survey carried
out by Financial weekly magazine Veckans Affärer.

For further information, please contact: 
Lars Stugemo, President and CEO, HiQ, tel: +46 (0)8 588 90 000
Anders Karén, Vice President Operations, HiQ, tel: +46 (0)8 588 90 000
Anna Jennehov, Head of Corporate Communications, HiQ, tel: +46 (0)8 588 90 000,
+46 (0)704 200 049

HiQ is an IT and management consultancy that focuses on high-tech solutions in
the fields of communication, software development and simulation. The company is
a leader in these fields and the Nordic region is its domestic market. HiQ
employs close to 1 000 people at offices in the Nordic Region and Eastern
Europe. HiQ is listed on the Nordic Stock Exchange midcap list. For more
information, please visit

