On 8 October 2007 at 11:00pm, an Extraordinary General Meeting of
Nykredit Realkredit A/S
(CVR no 12 71 92 80)
was held at the Company's address, Kalvebod Brygge 1-3, DK-1780 Copenhagen V.
Michael Bank, Attorney, was elected Chairman of the Meeting and established
that the entire 
share capital was represented and, with the unanimous consent of the attendees,
that due 
notice of the general meeting had been given and that it formed a quorum in
every respect. 
The only item on the agenda was the proposal of the Board of Directors to
insert clause 12(3), 
according to which the Board is authorised until 31 December 2007 to pass
resolutions to distribute 
extraordinary dividend of up to DKK 500 million pursuant to section 109a of the
Public Companies Act.
In line with the proposal, the following provision is inserted after clause
"(3). Until 31 December 2007, the Board of Directors is authorised to pass
resolutions to 
distribute extraordinary dividend of up to DKK 500 million pursuant to section
109a of 
the Danish Public Companies Act."
The Chairman of the Meeting presented a draft of the new articles, in which the
amendment to the Articles had been incorporated.
The Chairman of the Meeting subsequently ascertained that the proposed
amendment to the 
Articles was adopted unanimously, and with all votes, by the General Meeting.
The General Meeting unanimously authorised the Chairman of the Meeting to
register the resolutions 
adopted with the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency, and make any amendments
or additions to the resolutions adopted, as required by the Danish Commerce and
Agency, in order to obtain registration.
The general meeting was subsequently adjourned.
Copenhagen, 8 October 2007


extraordinary general meeting - 8. october 2007.pdf