Jim Ammons of Data Call Technologies Discusses 'The Future of Advertising' in An AudioStocks Exclusive

Is the Next Wave of Marketing Happening Now?

HOUSTON, Oct. 9, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- A visionary in live content delivery technologies and the man who helped invent the first live wireless sports feed with Associated Press (a world leader in news and sports), Jim Ammons, CEO of Data Call Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB:DCLT) outlines his vision of the future of advertising during an exclusive interview with AudioStocks.com.

Mr. Ammons discusses:

 -- The current state of traditional advertising.
 -- Why advertising needs to change.
 -- How and why the public will influence advertising in the future.
 -- How advertisers are making the shift.
 -- Why the next marketing monster is gaining momentum; how
    the high speed connectivity enables these applications to
    process behind the scenes -- and investors may not be aware of it.

A technology-driven shift from traditional media advertising to a consumer-based, interactive marketing model has created an industry, which Ammons says is, "The most unknown industry today, but it's the most explosive. (It) will change advertising... change the use of the Internet... change television." This explosive growth has resulted in Data Call Technologies rapidly acquiring more customers in the last 5 months than in over the past 3 years. The five-year growth in the industry is the largest growth of its kind comparable to the first Internet Boom.

As an industry insider, Ammons says advertising's new technology and shift in philosophy have created abundant business opportunities and alignments, many of which he discusses in detail. But Ammons explains that the results by proof of play and metrics studies generated from technology-based advertising are the reason why the world's number one search engine and the world's number one software company are getting into the industry; why even major television networks are anxious to get into this nascent industry, digital signage. Even the world's largest retailer has seen dramatic results from this latest trend in advertising, he says.

Mr. Ammons asserts every type of business will be using some flavor of this new technology because, "Digital signage has been proven again and again to improve business with uplift in both sales and product recognition."

The complete audio interview with Mr. Ammons can be found exclusively at www.audiostocks.com.

About DataCall Technologies, Inc.

Data Call Technologies, Inc. (www.datacalltech.com) is a digital signage internet software company specializing in aggregated, licensed, frequently updated digital content including more than 35 categories of news; weather conditions, forecasts and watches/warnings; sports headlines, schedules and in-game updates; financial news and data; traffic updates; and Amber Alerts. Data Call has working relationships and strategic agreements with the industry's leading providers of digital signage including 3M Digital Signage, Helius, and Scala, among many others. It also has numerous agreements with providers of point-of-sales displays, wireless technologies and VoIP phones. Data Call's information content is currently on display in retail outlets, hotels, banks, airports, sports arenas and convention centers across the U.S. and International locales.

The Data Call Technologies, Inc. logo is available at http://www.primenewswire.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=3690

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