Genovis' Online Sales Generate First Revenues and Open Doors to New Markets

Genovis' Online Sales Generate First Revenues and Open Doors to New Markets

Lund-based biotech company Genovis, which develops and markets innovative tools
for medical research, launched its web shop in late September. Genovis'
products, various nanoparticles that are so small that they are not even visible
under microscope, have not previously been available for sale. Customers are
mainly found in preclinical research in both academia and industry.

During the first few weeks the site attracted interest from Europe, the US,
Australia, India, Korea, Singapore, Brazil, and Mexico, which now generate the
first revenues. These markets are prioritized markets were Genovis intends to be
represented. The new web site will help partners and distributors in their
customer relationship management initiatives.

“Establishing online sales has been our strategy since the first test launch one
year ago,” says Sarah Fredriksson, CEO. “Now we have a web site for online
sales, as well as an underlying system and resources to be able to offer our
customers good service and support. The web store will also facilitate future
alliances with partners and distributors in different geographic markets.”

Genovis currently offers products in two business areas: biomolecule delivery
and antibody engineering, as well as customer-specific solutions. The company's
product portfolio contains the following products: NIMT® FeOsilence, NIMT®
FeOfection, NIMT® FeOlabeling, and NIMT® FabRICATOR. The company plans to launch
additional products during the autumn. 

For additional information please contact:
Sarah Fredriksson,CEO
Genovis AB 
Tel: (+46) (0)46-101235

Genovis is a biotechnology company with distinguished core competency in the
fields of nanotechnology and nanoparticles. The company's patented NIMT™
technology (NanoInducedMagneticTransfer) has been developed in order to enable
the life science industry to conduct effective preclinical research. Genovis
shares are listed on the First North stock exchange (OMX). Mangold
Fondkommission AB is a Certified Advisor and guarantor of liquidity to the

