Announcement number 19/2007 Share Buyback - EAC

As previously announced, EAC has initiated a share buyback programme.
Under the programme EAC will buy own shares for an amount of up to
DKK 500m until 3 April, 2008, cf. stock exchange announcement no. 11
of 16 August, 2007.

The programme is being executed in accordance with the rules of "Safe
Harbour" as set out by the EU Commission in Regulation 2273/2003 of
22 December, 2003.

EAC have made the following transactions under the programme since
the stock exchange announcement of 5 October, 2007:

Date              No. of shares   price, DKK   Transaction value, DKK
Accumulated, last
announcement           817,725       373.50       305,418,571
05.10.2007             20,000        413.07       8,261,400
08.10.2007             13,000        421.65       5,481,450
09.10.2007             26,000        430.40       11,190,400
10.10.2007             25,300        438.66       11,098,098
11.10.2007             15,725        440.26       6,923,089
12.10.2007             10,925        437.09       4,775,208
15.10.2007             29,050        438.68       12,743,654
under the
programme:             957,725       382.04       365,891,870

Hereafter EAC owns 957,725 own shares or 6.37% of the share capital.

Yours sincerely,

The East Asiatic Company Ltd. A/S
(A/S Det Østasiatiske Kompagni)

             For additional information, please contact:
President & CEO Niels Henrik Jensen, +45 35 25 43 00, +45 20 23 21 88
Group CFO Michael Østerlund Madsen, +45 35 25 43 00, +45 20 41 09 57

This English version is provided for convenience only and in case of
discrepancy the Danish version shall prevail.


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