The Finnish Cabinet Committee on Economic Policy in favour of participation in Finnair's planned share issue

Government Communications Unit                                                  
Press Release  285/2007 


The Finnish Cabinet Committee on Economic Policy in favour of participation in  
Finnair's planned share issue                                                   

Today, on 16 October, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Policy endorsed the     
Government's intention to submit to Parliament a supplementary budget proposal  
earmarking an appropriation for Government participation in a planned           
share-issue by Finnair Plc to increase the company's share capital. The State's 
subscription of Finnair's shares in this share issue is not to exceed EUR 139.5 

Finnair is planning to issue shares worth up to EUR 250 million to existing     
shareholders, to finance the long-haul fleet renewal it announced earlier.      
Finnair is to hold an extraordinary shareholders' meeting to decide on the share

Currently, the State owns a 55.78 per cent stake in Finnair Plc. If the State   
decides to participate fully, as provided by its current holding, in the issue  
of shares, the Government must receive authorisation for the aforementioned     
appropriation through the supplementary budget. The Government will make the    
final decision on participation in the share issue later, based on more detailed
information on the terms of the share issue.                                    

Within the framework of the existing parliamentary authorisation, the Government
may not reduce the State's ownership in the company below 50.1 per cent.        

Further information: Pekka Timonen, Director General, tel. +358 9 1602 3000 and 
Jarmo Väisänen, Senior Financial Counsellor, tel. +358 9 1602 3015, Ownership   
Steering Department, Prime Minister's Office